Young people committing crimes should be treated the same as adults by the authorities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There are reformers today who argue that adults and young people should be treated equally under the law. In my opinion, despite the ostensible fairness of this proposal, it disregards crucial psychological differences.
Those who believe all ages should receive equal treatment, point out that this will engender a greater deterring effect. The main reason that all individuals in society are punished is not for justice alone, but as a means to ensure others will not commit similar crimes. Young people learn in school and the world generally that their actions will have consequences and that crimes are punishable with prison time and other penalties. If these censures are weakened, then the chances a young person will attempt to commit a crime will logically increase, even if the total number of young people engaging in criminal behavior today is lower than at any point in human history.
However, age is a just mitigating factor. Adults who commit crimes have had more time to develop socially and intellectually while young people might not fully grasp the consequences of their choices for themselves and others. For instance, there have been recent cases where young people were influenced by extremist elements now pervasive in social media. Young people are more impressionable in these situations and often lack the confidence and maturity to think for themselves. This vulnerability extends to their emotional and intellectual development and justifies laws that protect young people from receiving overly harsh sentences.
In conclusion, though there are practical reasons to support equal punishments for all ages, this alteration would be unfair to young people. Courts should consider a range of factors before selecting an appropriate punishment.
1. There are reformers today who argue that adults and young people should be treated equally under the law. 2. In my opinion, despite the ostensible fairness of this proposal, it disregards crucial psychological differences.
Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. Those who believe all ages should receive equal treatment, point out that this will engender a greater deterring effect. 2. The main reason that all individuals in society are punished is not for justice alone, but as a means to ensure others will not commit similar crimes. 3. Young people learn in school and the world generally that their actions will have consequences and that crimes are punishable with prison time and other penalties. 4. If these censures are weakened, then the chances a young person will attempt to commit a crime will logically increase, even if the total number of young people engaging in criminal behavior today is lower than at any point in human history.
Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
Explain your main idea.
Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
Keep developing it fully.
1. However, age is a just mitigating factor. 2. Adults who commit crimes have had more time to develop socially and intellectually while young people might not fully grasp the consequences of their choices for themselves and others. 3. For instance, there have been recent cases where young people were influenced by extremist elements now pervasive in social media. 4. Young people are more impressionable in these situations and often lack the confidence and maturity to think for themselves. 5. This vulnerability extends to their emotional and intellectual development and justifies laws that protect young people from receiving overly harsh sentences.
Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
Explain your new main idea.
Include specific details and examples.
Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
Finish the paragraph strong.
1. In conclusion, though there are practical reasons to support equal punishments for all ages, this alteration would be unfair to young people. 2. Courts should consider a range of factors before selecting an appropriate punishment.
Summarise your main ideas.
Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.
What do the words in bold below mean?Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.
There are reformers today who argue that adults and young people should be treated equally under the law. In my opinion, despite the ostensible fairness of this proposal, it disregards crucial psychological differences.
Those who believe all ages should receive equal treatment, point out that this will engender a greater deterring effect. The main reason that all individuals in society are punished is not for justice alone, but as a means to ensure others will not commit similar crimes. Young people learn in school and the world generally that their actions will have consequences and that crimes are punishable with prison time and other penalties. If these censures are weakened, then the chances a young person will attempt to commit a crime will logically increase, even if the total number of young people engaging in criminal behavior today is lowerthan at any point in human history.
However, age is a just mitigating factor. Adults who commit crimes have had more time to develop socially and intellectually while young people might not fully grasp the consequences of their choices for themselves and others. For instance, there have been recent cases where young people were influenced by extremist elements now pervasive in social media. Young people are more impressionable in these situations and often lack the confidence and maturity to think for themselves. This vulnerability extends to their emotional and intellectual development and justifies laws that protect young people from receiving overly harsh sentences.
In conclusion, though there are practical reasons to support equal punishments for all ages, this alteration would be unfair to young people. Courts should consider a range of factors before selecting an appropriate punishment.
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
reformers people who want to make changes
argue point out, contend
adults older people
young people people who are younger
treated equally under the law have the same punishments and dealt with the same way
despite regardless of
ostensible fairness seemingly just, right
proposal idea
disregards ignores
crucial key
psychological differences mental disparities
receive get
point out argue
engender creates
greater deterring effect does more to stop others from doing the same
justice fairness
as a means to in order to
ensure make sure of
commit similar crimes do the same things
generally overall
actions will have consequences you must be responsible
punishable can be punished in this way
prison time time in jail
penalties punishments
censures admonishments
weakened curbed, limited
chances odds of something happening
attempt try
logically rationally
engaging in taking part in
criminal behavior committing crimes
lowerthan at any point in human history never better than now
just right, fair
mitigating factor reason to lessen punishment
develop grow
socially relating to others
intellectually relating to the mind
might not fully grasp the consequences of their choices for themselves and others can’t completely understand the results of their actions
recent cases instances that happened not that long ago
influenced impacted
extremist elements strong opinions
pervasive common
social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
impressionable easily influenced
lack don’t have
confidence self-esteem
maturity feeling like an adult
vulnerability weakness
extends to also includes
emotional related to emotions
justifies gives reason for
protect keep safe
receiving overly harsh sentences get too strict punishments
I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:
There are r__________s today who a____e that a_____s and y____________e should be t________________________w. In my opinion, d__________e the o______________________s of this p_____________l, it d__________s c_________________________________________s.
Those who believe all ages should r_________e equal treatment, p________t that this will e_________r a g_____________________t. The main reason that all individuals in society are punished is not for j_____e alone, but a__________________________e others will not c____________________s. Young people learn in school and the world g__________y that their a____________________________________s and that crimes are p_____________e with p_________e and other p____________s. If these c____________s are w___________d, then the c_________s a young person will a_________t to commit a crime will l______________y increase, even if the total number of young people e________________n c___________________________r today is l______________________________________________________y.
However, age is a j____t m______________________r. Adults who commit crimes have had more time to d_______________________y and i___________________y while young people m___________________________________________________________________s. For instance, there have been r__________s where young people were i__________d by e____________________s now p___________e in s__________a. Young people are more i___________________e in these situations and often l___k the c____________e and m________y to think for themselves. This v_____________y e_________o their e_____________l and i_______________l development and j________s laws that p__________t young people from r__________________________________s.
In conclusion, though there are p________________s to support e________________________s for all ages, this a__________n would be unfair to young people. Courts should consider a___________________s before s__________g an a________________________t.
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Girish Sharma
on July 16, 2022 at 10:11 am
Hello, I read a line in your essay which is “even if the total number of young people engaging in criminal behavior today is lower than at any point in human history“. So my question is that we consider ‘people’ as plural, so why have you written ‘is’ than ‘are’ after writing ‘criminal behavior today is‘
"The highest quality materials anywhere on the internet! Dave improved my writing and vocabulary so much. Really affordable options you don't want to miss out on!"
Hello, I read a line in your essay which is “even if the total number of young people engaging in criminal behavior today is lower than at any point in human history“. So my question is that we consider ‘people’ as plural, so why have you written ‘is’ than ‘are’ after writing ‘criminal behavior today is‘
The verb goes with the entire noun phrase “the total number of …” – so it is a singular is.
Is that clear, Girish?