This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of curfews from the real IELTS exam.
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IELTS Essay: Curfews
Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy?
Some governments are considering proposals to institute curfews for teenagers that would require them to be in the presence of an adult after certain hours. In my opinion, the marginal benefits of such a policy would be greatly outweighed by its social drawbacks.
One the one hand, requiring teenagers to remain at home at night could help curb juvenile delinquency. In certain cities, it is common for particular neighborhoods to be full of criminal activity late at night. A teenager who is either engaging in such activity or simply passing through those areas is at significant risk. By staying home, teenagers would be forced to engage in more wholesome activities and the authorities would be better able to police the streets. In this way, governments could limit both crimes commited by and upon teenagers.
However, the cases mentioned above affect a minority of teenagers while this reform would impair the social growth of the majority. Ensuring teenagers stay home essentially limits their social acquaintances to within their family. In many situations, if the family is small or there are issues related to abuse, this could foster an unhealthy psychological and social dependence. When teenagers hang out with friends at concerts, malls, parks, and other public venues they begin to develop their identity and manage the demands of interpersonal relationships. Any reforms that hinder such growth are negative for the progress of society more generally.
In conclusion, despite the positive effect a curfew would have on misbehavior, such suggestions should be ignored in order to guarantee the healthy social development of adolescents. There are less restrictive methods of reducing juvenile deliquency that could instead be considered.
1. Some governments are considering proposals to institute curfews for teenagers that would require them to be in the presence of an adult after certain hours. 2. In my opinion, the marginal benefits of such a policy would be greatly outweighed by its social drawbacks.
- Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
- Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. One the one hand, requiring teenagers to remain at home at night could help curb juvenile delinquency. 2. In certain cities, it is common for particular neighborhoods to be full of criminal activity late at night. 3. A teenager who is either engaging in such activity or simply passing through those areas is at significant risk. 4. By staying home, teenagers would be forced to engage in more wholesome activities and the authorities would be better able to police the streets. 5. In this way, governments could limit both crimes commited by and upon teenagers.
- Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
- Explain your main idea.
- Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
- Keep developing it fully.
- Extend with some long sentences as well.
1. However, the cases mentioned above affect a minority of teenagers while this reform would impair the social growth of the majority. 2. Ensuring teenagers stay home essentially limits their social acquaintances to within their family. 3. In many situations, if the family is small or there are issues related to abuse, this could foster an unhealthy psychological and social dependence. 4. When teenagers hang out with friends at concerts, malls, parks, and other public venues they begin to develop their identity and manage the demands of interpersonal relationships. 5. Any reforms that hinder such growth are negative for the progress of society more generally.
- Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
- Explain your new main idea.
- Include specific details and examples.
- Continue developing it…
- as fully as possible!
1. In conclusion, despite the positive effect a curfew would have on misbehavior, such suggestions should be ignored in order to guarantee the healthy social development of adolescents. 2. There are less restrictive methods of reducing juvenile deliquency that could instead be considered.
- Summarise your main ideas.
- Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.
What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.
Some governments are considering proposals to institute curfews for teenagers that would require them to be in the presence of an adult after certain hours. In my opinion, the marginal benefits of such a policy would be greatly outweighed by its social drawbacks.
One the one hand, requiring teenagers to remain at home at night could help curb juvenile delinquency. In certain cities, it is common for particular neighborhoods to be full of criminal activity late at night. A teenager who is either engaging in such activity or simply passing through those areas is at significant risk. By staying home, teenagers would be forced to engage in more wholesome activities and the authorities would be better able to police the streets. In this way, governments could limit both crimes commited by and upon teenagers.
However, the cases mentioned above affect a minority of teenagers while this reform would impair the social growth of the majority. Ensuring teenagers stay home essentially limits their social acquaintances to within their family. In many situations, if the family is small or there are issues related to abuse, this could foster an unhealthy psychological and social dependence. When teenagers hang out with friends at concerts, malls, parks, and other public venues they begin to develop their identity and manage the demands of interpersonal relationships. Any reforms that hinder such growth are negative for the progress of society more generally.
In conclusion, despite the positive effect a curfew would have on misbehavior, such suggestions should be ignored in order to guarantee the healthy social development of adolescents. There are less restrictive methods of reducing juvenile deliquency that could instead be considered.
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
considering proposals thinking about policies
institute put into practice
curfews limits on time
teenagers those aged 13-19
require need
in the presence of around
adult people over 18
certain hours times at night
marginal benefits small advantages
policy law
greatly outweighed much stronger than
social drawbacks disadvantages related to society
one the one hand on one side
remain stay the same
curb juvenile delinquency limit crimes amongst younger people
common normal
particular neighborhoods certain areas
full of criminal activity lots of crime
late at night around midnight
engaging in doing
passing through going through
significant risk big chance
by staying home remaining at home
forced to must
engage do
wholesome activities innocent pasttimes
authorities people in charge
better able to police the streets can do a better job keeping order
limit control
crimes commited by and upon hurting other and being hurt
however but
cases mentioned above instances detailed earlier
minority not the majority
reform change
impair harm
social growth development in society
majority most of
ensuring making sure of
essentially limits basically controls
social acquaintances people you know
within their family relatives
in many situations in some cases
issues related to abuse problems having to do with physical and emotional harm
foster encourage
unhealthy psychological and social dependence needing others in a bad way
hang out spend time with
public venues places where everyone can do
begin to start to
identity recognize
manage the demands deal with the responsibilities
interpersonal relationships talking to and being around others
hinder impair
progress development
more generally overall
despite regardless of
misbehavior bad actions
suggestions advice
ignored not paid attention to
in order to so that
guarantee ensure
healthy social development of adolescents normal growth of young people
less restrictive methods not as controlling
reducing decreasing
instead rather than
considered thought about
Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search:
kənˈsɪdərɪŋ prəˈpəʊzəlz
ɪn ðə ˈprɛzns ɒv
ˈsɜːtn ˈaʊəz
ˈmɑːʤɪnəl ˈbɛnɪfɪts
ˈgreɪtli aʊtˈweɪd
ˈsəʊʃəl ˈdrɔːbæks
wʌn ðə wʌn hænd
kɜːb ˈʤuːvɪnaɪl dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi
pəˈtɪkjʊlə ˈneɪbəhʊdz
fʊl ɒv ˈkrɪmɪnl ækˈtɪvɪti
leɪt æt naɪt
ɪnˈgeɪʤɪŋ ɪn
ˈpɑːsɪŋ θruː
sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt rɪsk
baɪ ˈsteɪɪŋ həʊm
fɔːst tuː
ˈhəʊlsəm ækˈtɪvɪtiz
ˈbɛtər ˈeɪbl tuː pəˈliːs ðə striːts
kraɪmz kəˈmɪtɪd baɪ ænd əˈpɒn
ˈkeɪsɪz ˈmɛnʃənd əˈbʌv
ˈsəʊʃəl grəʊθ
ɪˈsɛnʃəli ˈlɪmɪts
ˈsəʊʃəl əˈkweɪntənsɪz
wɪˈðɪn ðeə ˈfæmɪli
ɪn ˈmɛni ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃənz
ˈɪʃuːz rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː əˈbjuːs
ʌnˈhɛlθi ˌsaɪkəˈlɒʤɪkəl ænd ˈsəʊʃəl dɪˈpɛndəns
hæŋ aʊt
ˈpʌblɪk ˈvɛnjuːz
bɪˈgɪn tuː
ˈmænɪʤ ðə dɪˈmɑːndz
ˌɪntəˈpɜːsən(ə)l rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps
mɔː ˈʤɛnərəli
ɪn ˈɔːdə tuː
ˈhɛlθi ˈsəʊʃəl dɪˈvɛləpmənt ɒv ˌædəʊˈlɛsnts
lɛs rɪsˈtrɪktɪv ˈmɛθədz
Vocabulary Practice
I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:
Some governments are c_________________________s to i_________________s for t_____________s that would r____________e them to be i________________f an a_______t after c_____________s. In my opinion, the m___________________s of such a p_______y would be g___________________d by its s__________________s.
O______________d, requiring teenagers to r__________n at home at night could help c_________________________y. In certain cities, it is c____________n for p____________________________s to be f________________________y l______________t. A teenager who is either e______________n such activity or simply p_________________h those areas is at s____________________k. B_______________e, teenagers would be f______________o e________e in more w_____________________s and the a____________s would be b____________________________s. In this way, governments could limit both c_________________________n teenagers.
H__________r, the c_______________________e affect a m__________y of teenagers while this r__________m would i________r the s_______________h of the m_________y. E___________g teenagers stay home e___________________s their s_____________________s to w_______________y. I_____________________s, if the family is small or there are i_____________________e, this could f______r an u____________________________________e. When teenagers h____________t with friends at concerts, malls, parks, and other p______________s they b__________o develop their i_________y and m______________________s of i________________________________s. Any reforms that h________r such growth are negative for the p_________s of society m________________y.
In conclusion, d_________e the positive effect a curfew would have on m_____________r, such s___________s should be i____________d i________________o g_____________e the h_____________________________________s. There are l_________________________s of r___________g juvenile deliquency that could i____________d be c____________d.
Listening Practice
Learn more about this topic by watching videos from The New York Times YouTube channel below and practice with these activities:
Reading Practice
Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice:
Speaking Practice
Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:
Staying up Late
- Do you often stay up late?
- Is it easy to wake up in the morning if you stay up late?
- Did you stay up late often when you were younger?
- What do you usually do when you stay up late?
Writing Practice
Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:
Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and riding motorbikes.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is a statement that, to decrease the accident rate on the road, the minimum legal age of drivers should be set higher. I disagree with this opinion as the accidents are not always caused by young drivers. Moreover, young people do not have enough experience on driving, if they have no opportunity to drive early.
The main reason of traffic accidents is not the age of drivers. A research in US shows that the majority reason of traffic accident is careless on road, which is not decided by age. In fact, a young driver may be more careful on driving. On the contract, it is possible that an elder driver would chat with his friend or watch news on phone during his driving, as he is extremely confident on driving skill. In this situation, a driver with high age is more dangerous, which easily cause a disaster.
Nevertheless, road safety should be conducted by drivers who have more experience instead of higher age. To be perceive, the experience on driving can lead to a clam driver who would not be panic when facing sudden situation. For instance, if a kid rushes to the road for his football, a clam driver can stop his car quickly and avoid hitting at the kid, rather than be shocked and do nothing.
As a result, I consider that the higher legal minimum age of driver is useless on road safety. The traffic accident is not cause by age but careless. Young driver should have more chance on driving to enrich their experience which helps achieve road safety. What’s more, government should pay more effort to advocate the importance of traffic rule.
Essay asked clear opinion but answer is ambiguous. Writer is feeling shy
Haha, not shy, Tarsem!
The question asked to what extent I agree and the band descriptors require a clear position.
I think my position is very clear if you read it carefully.
Can you see that, Tarsem?
Hello, in 1st body paragraph, 3rd sentence, A teenager who is either engaging……. So, can I write engaged instead of engaging?
You could but you would have to change the whole sentence – continuous makes more sense for me there.
With engaged you want to use present perfect or put the whole situation in the past, Sandra.
Oh, ok. Thanx for clearing my doubt. You are very generous!
My pleasure, Sandra!
Please provide feedback
In some nations, there is a proposition to implement a restriction on the hours that teenagers are allowed to be in public during the night, and this rule is not applicable if they are chaperoned by an adult during the curfew hours. I am in favour of this proposed legislation.
The main supportive reason for limiting free night time for teenagers is that it will help to curb a number of juvenile delinquencies.To be more precise, it is irrefutable that nighttime is the notoriously known time when most crimes are committed. For instance, teen crimes related to narcotics or burglury can be controlled to some extent if such rules are applied. Only if there is a law limiting access to going outside in the late night hours will young people be forced to stay at home. Therefore, parents will be rest assured of the safety of their children. Moreover, this will instill a fear among the adolescents that the police might catch them while patrolling at night and they will have to face charges. There is a highly likely chance that this will also prevent teenagers from going astray.
Furthermore, teenagers will be forced to do their work in the daytime, leaving them with an ample amount of time at night. They can use this time to relax or do further studies. Also, it will be a great tool to correct sleeping patterns. Most teenagers sleep late at night since they often go out partying or socialising. Having a ban on going out at night might encourage them to go to bed early.
In conclusion, the proposed idea of imposing curfews on the hours teenagers will be allowed outdoors at night unless an adult accompanies them is a good idea because it will help to mitigate juvenile crimes and improvise their sleeping cycle. Based on the above arguments, it can be vindicated that countries ought to legalise this policy as soon as possible.
Good work, Samaira!
Good vocabulary but sometimes the complex vocab and grammar makes it hard to understand what you are saying.
Aim for better balance in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs as well!
Thank you do much.
No problem, Samaira!