This essay is a bit different from all the other hundreds I have written.
This one includes a personal example – that is fine on IELTS though I wouldn’t recommend it to be on the safe side.
IELTS Essay: Learning Facts & Practical Skills at School
Some people say that at all levels of education, from primary school to university, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills.
Do you agree or disagree?
Proponents of more traditional education limited to accumulating facts argue this forms the basis of shared knowledge in society. An illustrative example of this would be the teaching of national history. Although information such as dates and names is not necessarily important in itself, the fact that the majority of the population shares the same knowledge allows them to connect and communicate more easily. A person who makes a reference to a certain year, event, or figure can communicate instantly and deeply with anyone who recognizes the same information. This extends beyond national boundaries and can also unite disparate cultures.
However, it is more important for students to learn skills with practical import. This can include but does not have to be limited to learning skills like cooking and woodworking, which are not traditional academic subjects. The curriculum could also be broadened to critical thinking skills. For example, when I studied at Bard College, a liberal arts institution in upstate New York, I was initially surprised at the emphasis placed on learning the skill of thinking itself. My past courses in high school were more about memorizing information but my university teachers were wary of simple memorization, facts, and terminology. Instead they sought to break down key concepts related to thinking and instruct students on how to read text closely and think for themselves.
In conclusion, though teaching facts can be useful for social cohesiveness, I believe the value of more useful skills is greater. There must always be a degree of balance but schools should prioritize the latter methodology.
- Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
- Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. Proponents of more traditional education limited to accumulating facts argue this forms the basis of shared knowledge in society. 2. An illustrative example of this would be the teaching of national history. 3. Although information such as dates and names is not necessarily important in itself, the fact that the majority of the population shares the same knowledge allows them to connect and communicate more easily. 4. A person who makes a reference to a certain year, event, or figure can communicate instantly and deeply with anyone who recognizes the same information. 5. This extends beyond national boundaries and can also unite disparate cultures.
- Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
- Explain your main idea.
- Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
- Keep developing it fully.
- You can have a second main idea.
1. However, it is more important for students to learn skills with practical import. 2. This can include but does not have to be limited to learning skills like cooking and woodworking, which are not traditional academic subjects. 3. The curriculum could also be broadened to critical thinking skills. 4. For example, when I studied at Bard College, a liberal arts institution in upstate New York, I was initially surprised at the emphasis placed on learning the skill of thinking itself. 5. My past courses in high school were more about memorizing information but my university teachers were wary of simple memorization, facts, and terminology. 6. Instead they sought to break down key concepts related to thinking and instruct students on how to read text closely and think for themselves.
- Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
- Explain your new main idea.
- Include specific details and examples.
- I don’t usually use personal examples, but I did in this essay.
- Develop the example fully.
- Finish with a strong statement.
1. In conclusion, though teaching facts can be useful for social cohesiveness, I believe the value of more useful skills is greater. 2. There must always be a degree of balance but schools should prioritize the latter methodology.
- Summarise your main ideas.
- Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.
Proponents of more traditional education limited to accumulating facts argue this forms the basis of shared knowledge in society. An illustrative example of this would be the teaching of national history. Although information such as dates and names is not necessarily important in itself, the fact that the majority of the population shares the same knowledge allows them to connect and communicate more easily. A person who makes a reference to a certain year, event, or figure can communicate instantly and deeply with anyone who recognizes the same information. This extends beyond national boundaries and can also unite disparate cultures.
However, it is more important for students to learn skills with practical import. This can include but does not have to be limited to learning skills like cooking and woodworking, which are not traditional academic subjects. The curriculum could also be broadened to critical thinking skills. For example, when I studied at Bard College, a liberal arts institution in upstate New York, I was initially surprised at the emphasis placed on learning the skill of thinking itself. My past courses in high school were more about memorizing information but my university teachers were wary of simple memorization, facts, and terminology. Instead they sought to break down key concepts related to thinking and instruct students on how to read text closely and think for themselves.
In conclusion, though teaching facts can be useful for social cohesiveness, I believe the value of more useful skills is greater. There must always be a degree of balance but schools should prioritize the latter methodology.
proponents supporters
traditional education schools, older ways of learning
accumulating facts learning names, dates, etc.
forms makes up
basis foundation
shared knowledge what everyone knows together
an illustrative example of this would be the best instance of this is
national history past of a country
necessarily important in itself
majority most of
connect make contact with
reference mention
event happening
figure person
instantly right away
deeply not superficially
recognizes knows about
extends beyond national boundaries internationally
unite disparate cultures bring together different people
practical import useful in life
include have
limited to just about
woodworking making things out of wood
traditional academic subjects science, math, literature, etc.
curriculum what is learned in school
broadened widened
critical thinking skills thinking logically, rationally, creatively
liberal arts institution schools where you study many subjects
upstate New York above New York City but still in the state of New York
initially surprised at first shocked
past courses what was studied before
memorizing information learning things
wary worried about
memorization remembering
terminology jargon, fancy words
sought looked for
break down key concepts learn about basic areas
instruct teach
read text closely deeply read books
useful practical
social cohesiveness brings people together in a society
a degree of balance some equality
prioritize make more important
latter methodology mentioned before way of teaching
kənˈsɜːnd ˈpɑːtiz
ˈkʌrəntli pleɪs tuː mʌʧ ˈɛmfəsɪs
ˈprɒpəli ˈkʌvə ˈpræktɪkəl skɪlz
ˈfəʊkəsɪŋ lɛs
rəʊt ˈlɜːnɪŋ
trəˈdɪʃənl ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən
əˈkjuːmjʊleɪtɪŋ fækts
ʃeəd ˈnɒlɪʤ
ən ˈɪləstreɪtɪv ɪgˈzɑːmpl ɒv ðɪs wʊd biː
ˈnæʃənl ˈhɪstəri
ˈnɛsɪsərɪli ɪmˈpɔːtənt ɪn ɪtˈsɛlf
ɪksˈtɛndz bɪˈjɒnd ˈnæʃənl ˈbaʊndəriz
juːˈnaɪt ˈdɪspərɪt ˈkʌlʧəz
ˈpræktɪkəl ˈɪmpɔːt
ˈlɪmɪtɪd tuː
trəˈdɪʃənl ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈsʌbʤɪkts
ˈkrɪtɪkəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ skɪlz
ˈlɪbərəl ɑːts ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃən
ˌʌpˈsteɪt njuː jɔːk
ɪˈnɪʃəli səˈpraɪzd
pɑːst ˈkɔːsɪz
ˈmɛməri ˌrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃən
breɪk daʊn kiː ˈkɒnsɛpts
riːd tɛkst ˈkləʊsli
ˈsəʊʃəl kəʊˈhiːsɪvnəs
ə dɪˈgriː ɒv ˈbæləns
ˈlætə ˌmɛθəˈdɒləʤi
Vocabulary Practice
P____________s of more t__________________n limited to a_____________________s argue this f______s the b______s of s____________________________e in society. A_____________________________________________e the teaching of n_________________y. Although information such as dates and names is not n_____________________________f, the fact that the m___________y of the population shares the same knowledge allows them to c__________t and communicate more easily. A person who makes a r__________e to a certain year, e______t, or f________e can communicate i__________y and d________y with anyone who r____________s the same information. This e_____________________________s and can also u___________________________s.
However, it is more important for students to learn skills with p__________________t. This can i_________e but does not have to be l______________o learning skills like cooking and w_____________g, which are not t____________________________s. The c__________m could also be b__________d to c_______________________s. For example, when I studied at Bard College, a l_____________________________n in u_____________________k, I was i____________________d at the emphasis placed on learning the skill of thinking itself. My p______________s in high school were more about m_______________________n but my university teachers were w____y of simple m_____________________n, f_______s, and t___________________y. Instead they s_________t to b_______________________________s related to thinking and i___________t students on how to r_____________________y and think for themselves.
In conclusion, though teaching facts can be u____________l for s____________________s, I believe the value of more useful skills is greater. There must always be a_____________________e but schools should p_____________e the l____________________y.
Listening Practice
Speaking Practice
- Are you studying or working?
- Do you prefer to learn in the morning or in the evening?
- What subject do like to study best?
Writing Practice
Some educational systems make students study specialised subjects from the age of fifteen while others require students to study a wide range.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Please give feedback.
People have had different opinions about the pedagogical techniques adopted in the learning process for children. Some people assert that more importance and time is to be given to theoretical lessons in comparison to practical sessions in most educational systems. Although gaining practical skills is imperative, I concur with the above statement. This essay will elucidate agreement points to support my perspective.
To begin with, children are raw and need to be molded properly into structures, so they can become well refined adults in the future. This is possible with the implication of studying theory first. Only by understanding basic concepts behind science can children be ready to dive into the real world. Moreover, if children do not have rudimentary knowledge, then they cannot be successful in performing tasks and actions. In other words, books lay a strong foundation for understanding things easily through repetition or rote learning before embarking on practical classes. Furthermore, books acquire students with the know-how to carry out functions which are essential for first-hand experience. Therefore, considerably more emphasis laid on theoretical education is advantageous.
Having said this, some people think that educational institutions should change pedagogies and add more time to learning practical skills. They feel that developing talents through pratical seminars is pivotal because it will prepare children better to integrate into the job world. It is generally seen that many youngsters struggle with stress and strain when they enter jobs. Hence, if schools endow students with practical skills, then it can help to reduce the struggles of novice employees to some extent. However, this can be overcome. Students can get a glimpse of the workplace by doing part-time jobs, internships, or apprenticeships during their course of studies.
In conclusion, despite the fact that practical learning can assist students to overcome the difficulties they might face during the initial stages of their career, it is highly significant that students should dedicate more of their time to learning the theoretical subjects. In my opinion, the current syllabus which gives strong importance to theory-based education should be maintained, and no changes should be done to the curricula.
There is a statement that education should focus on learning practical skills rather than general knowledge. In my opinion, learning facts can make us human rather than tools in society, because we need to understand what humans have achieved in the past and what they are fighting for in the future.
We should learn the history and facts of the world, which would give us a better view of the current situation. It is significant for people to learn about history, which would give us a reference to the future. One of the rulers in ancient China said that, using history as a mirror, one can see the tendency of the future. There are more than 5000 years of human history. We may have experienced most of situations in the past. Looking up the history books may find solutions that people have tried, and may be improved by us in the future, such as the approach to building bridges and cooking technology.
Also, only when we understand the past and current facts can we find the target that we want to achieve. We would learn about the problems that humans are facing, such as environmental pollution and the lack of power resources. It may help some people to achieve ambitious aims, which may change the world in the future. After having the targets, people have more interest and motivation to learn and explore the world. Let us take Nobel as an example. He found that mining workers were hard to dig. And he invented dyanamite, which improves the speed of mining and has profund influence on the future.
In sum, people should learn about the facts that make us human and may inspire the development of the world. In addition, schools should encourage students to explore the world.
Your essay seems to me a little off topic because the question is the percentage of time alloted to learning practical skills and theory. Not just one in particular. Although your English and grammar are very good, that’s how I felt when I read your essay. This essay would have fitted better if the question was based on learning history.
Can you please give some advice on idea generation?
It is normal Ram – the topic is about facts and I start generally and then focus on a specific area as an example.
In fact, it is better to do it this way – essays that are too general tend to get weaker scores for task achievement.
You can read about idea generation here:
Thanks Dave!
You’re welcome, Ram!
Hi Dave,
I am very much fascinated with your paragraph developing method within 5-7 lines. and it made me auto generated ability what I need to write next to next line without much thinking. thanks for the unique concept.
please evaluate my essay and notify my improvements area as if I can boos up my confidence.Recently I noticed, my essays becoming very lengthy, is this ok if I can manage it within time?
thanks for your efforts.
Many think that students in educational institutions mainly been taught textbooks rather than providing empirical knowledge regarding the topics. Though some schools have laboratories for practical work, I agree with this view that most institutions have curriculums that are profoundly based on theoretical learning.
Proponents who argue with this view mainly support the lab class organised in some institutions. Engineering and some business schools offer laboratory and case-based studies after finishing the theoretical learning of the same topics from texts. It is considered that knowledge becomes enriched if it is done by head and hand. An engineering school of Bangladesh named BUET, for instance, where students mostly spend their campus time in lab work around 6 hours out of 8, since students curriculum’s mark is based on different projects those require tedious practice in laboratories to be successful. As a result, the students, after graduation, are quickly getting job offers from giant corporations since they have the ready knowledge from the institution. Thus, practical wisdom helped the pupils to understand the needs of the real world. However, these sorts of institutions are very few in the country.
Conversely, Institutions from ancient times intends to provide study theoretically. A number of institutions compel students to bring textbooks and force them to memorise topics line by line. It is thought that students should acquire a variety of knowledge and to ensure that it is easier to let them learn theoretically. For example, National University of Bangladesh has a large number of students considering its several branches scattered all over the country. Very few branches have the opportunity of case study or lab based study. Most of the students are given textbooks, and throughout the year, they just memorise the answers of the questions that are likely to come in the final exam. Consequently, many graduates are going out successfully, but due to the lack of practical knowledge, they are not getting the job that ultimately leads to massive unemployment in the country. So, the study based on textual knowledge does not give privilege in the dynamic, practical world.
In conclusion, although some institutions offer extensive practical education, a vast majority of academies still provide theory and explanation-based knowledge, which generates an inefficient nation. So, educational institutions should organise students curriculum with experimental and case-based studies.