IELTS Essay: One Universal Government
The world should have only one government rather than a national government for each country.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
There have been suggestions historically for a single government that could control all nations. In my opinion, there are utopian benefits that would result from this, however, the drawbacks related to autonomy make it a negative theoretical proposal.
Supporters argue a single government would be more effective and focused. This is best illustrated through major problems that all nations currently struggle to solve such as climate change and the recent health crisis facing the world. A single centralized government could better protect the environment by enacting strict legislation against the burning of fossil fuels and force all citizens to get vaccinated against Covid-19. In purely hypothetical terms, such unilateral power could achieve tremendous ends. However, in reality, there is a strong likelihood that a government would either pursue different, less desirable goals or be unable to enforce their mandates.
Beyond the infeasibility of such a world government, there are more basic reasons to oppose its existence. Variety in government is valuable in itself. Take for example the different governments currently in power around the world. Each country has, to varying degrees, chosen a government that represents their values and enacts laws based on the kind of nation they wish to have. The result is that some countries, such as those in Western Europe, lean more towards a socialist system that ensures a minimum standard of living for all citizens, others place greater emphasis on individual empowerment, others on transparency and still others on security over freedom. This diversity is a defining feature of human society.
In conclusion, a single government for the entire planet could help resolve global issues but would ultimately limit the distinctiveness of each individual nation. Therefore, there are other solutions that should be undertaken to remedy the current crisis of confidence in government.
1. There have been suggestions historically for a single government that could control all nations. 2. In my opinion, there are utopian benefits that would result from this, however, the drawbacks related to autonomy make it a negative theoretical proposal.
- Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
- Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. Supporters argue a single government would be more effective and focused. 2. This is best illustrated through major problems that all nations currently struggle to solve such as climate change and the recent health crisis facing the world. 3. A single centralized government could better protect the environment by enacting strict legislation against the burning of fossil fuels and force all citizens to get vaccinated against Covid-19. 4. In purely hypothetical terms, such unilateral power could achieve tremendous ends. 5. However, in reality, there is a strong likelihood that a government would either pursue different, less desirable goals or be unable to enforce their mandates.
- Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
- Explain your main idea.
- Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
- Keep developing it fully.
- This paragraph should be about the same length as the next one.
1. Beyond the infeasibility of such a world government, there are more basic reasons to oppose its existence. 2. Variety in government is valuable in itself. 3. Take for example the different governments currently in power around the world. 4. Each country has, to varying degrees, chosen a government that represents their values and enacts laws based on the kind of nation they wish to have. 5. The result is that some countries, such as those in Western Europe, lean more towards a socialist system that ensures a minimum standard of living for all citizens, others place greater emphasis on individual empowerment, others on transparency and still others on security over freedom. 6. This diversity is a defining feature of human society.
- Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
- Explain your new main idea.
- Include specific details and examples.
- Continue developing it…
- as fully as possible!
- Vary short and long sentences.
1. In conclusion, a single government for the entire planet could help resolve global issues but would ultimately limit the distinctiveness of each individual nation. 2. Therefore, there are other solutions that should be undertaken to remedy the current crisis of confidence in government.
- Summarise your main ideas.
- Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.
There have been suggestions historically for a single government that could control all nations. In my opinion, there are utopian benefits that would result from this, however, the drawbacks related to autonomy make it a negative theoretical proposal.
Supporters argue a single government would be more effective and focused. This is best illustrated through major problems that all nations currently struggle to solve such as climate change and the recent health crisis facing the world. A single centralized government could better protect the environment by enacting strict legislation against the burning of fossil fuels and force all citizens to get vaccinated against Covid-19. In purely hypothetical terms, such unilateral power could achieve tremendous ends. However, in reality, there is a strong likelihood that a government would either pursue different, less desirable goals or be unable to enforce their mandates.
Beyond the infeasibility of such a world government, there are more basic reasons to oppose its existence. Variety in government is valuable in itself. Take for example the different governments currently in power around the world. Each country has, to varying degrees, chosen a government that represents their values and enacts laws based on the kind of nation they wish to have. The result is that some countries, such as those in Western Europe, lean more towards a socialist system that ensures a minimum standard of living for all citizens, others place greater emphasis on individual empowerment, others on transparency and still others on security over freedom. This diversity is a defining feature of human society.
In conclusion, a single government for the entire planet could help resolve global issues but would ultimately limit the distinctiveness of each individual nation. Therefore, there are other solutions that should be undertaken to remedy the current crisis of confidence in government.
suggestions historically ideas in the past
single government one national government in control
control power over
nations countries
utopian benefits idealistic advantages
drawbacks disadvantages
autonomy freedom to do as you want
negative theoretical proposal not a good idea
supporters argue people who believe in this say
effective will work
focused clearly directed
best illustrated better shown
major problems big issues
currently struggle now have trouble
climate change global warming
recent health crisis facing the world current global public health problem
centralized all power in one central area
protect keep safe
enacting creating
burning using
fossil fuels oil, coal, etc.
vaccinated against Covid-19 a shot to protect from Coronavirus
in purely hypothetical terms solely imagined as a theory
unilateral all power from one source
achieve tremendous ends get good things done
in reality in the real world
strong likelihood good chance
pursue look for
less desirable goals bad aims
enforce ensure
mandates laws, orders
beyond past
infeasibility impossible
basic reasons main justifications
oppose are against
existence is in the real world
variety different kinds of
valuable in itself important on its own
currently now
to varying degrees to different extents
chosen decided on
represents symbolizes
values what is considered important
based on coming from
Western Europe France, Spain, the UK, etc.
lean more towards favor
socialist system government that spreads wealth more evenly
ensures makes sure of
minimum standard of living for all citizens decent level of life for all
place greater emphasis care more about
individual empowerment helps people have more freedom
transparency honesty
still others different ones
security being safe
freedom autonomy
diversity difference
defining feature most notable characteristic
entire whole
ultimately limit in the end contain
distinctiveness singularity, uniqueness
undertaken done
remedy fix
current crisis problem now
confidence faith in
Vocabulary Practice
There have been s__________________________y for a s______________________t that could c__________l all n_______s. In my opinion, there are u__________________s that would result from this, however, the d____________s related to a_____________y make it a n_______________________________l.
S_____________e a single government would be more e__________e and f____________d. This is b_______________d through m__________________s that all nations c_____________________e to solve such as c__________________e and the r____________________________________d. A single c_______________d government could better p__________t the environment by e_______g strict legislation against the b________g of f___________s and force all citizens to get v___________________________9. I__________________________s, such u_______________l power could a__________________________s. However, i__________________y, there is a s_______________d that a government would either p__________e different, l_________________s or be unable to e__________e their m___________s.
B_______d the i_____________y of such a world government, there are more b______________s to o______e its e__________e. V__________y in government is v_________________f. Take for example the different governments c_______y in power around the world. Each country has, t____________________s, c________n a government that r______________s their v________s and e______s laws b___________n the kind of nation they wish to have. The result is that some countries, such as those in W_____________e, l_________________s a s_________________m that e________s a m________________________________________s, others p_______________________s on i________________________t, others on t____________y and s_________s on s__________y over f_________m. This d_____________y is a d_______________e of human society.
In conclusion, a single government for the e______e planet could help resolve global issues but would u________________t the d_______________s of each individual nation. Therefore, there are other solutions that should be u______________n to r_________y the c______________s of c____________e in government.
Listening Practice
Reading Practice
Speaking Practice
- Why do people throw rubbish the streets?
- How can people be encouraged to not litter?
- What are the results of littering?
- What steps has your government taken to make people pick up after themselves?
- Do the efforts of a single person have an impact on the world as a whole?
Writing Practice
It is impossible to help all people around the world in need so governments should focus on people from their own country.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
can we describe hypothetical or utopian scenario in one body paragraph and real situation in other body paragraph like you describe in this essay? Is it safe to make comparisons between hypothetical and real scenarios?
Sure, Sandra – that is a common way to present an argument.
There’s no reason why both would have to be concrete or hypothetical.
cool . Thank you sir!
No worries, Sandra!
There is a statement that one global government should be set up and replace the governments in all countries. In my opinion, although this advice would solve many problems, such situations may lead to unfair and is difficult to achieve.
On the one hand, it is impossible for this government to treat its citizens equally. If there is only one leader representing the government, such as president or prime minister, this man may impose some laws that benefit the area where he was born, and neglect other places. We can even find a similar example in the USA. The former president Trump quited from many international organizations, because such participations are useless for most people that have low income. And he ignored the negative influence on other businessmen or factory owners. This influence would become more obvious when the government rules the world. If the leader comes from the UK, he may be unfriendly to French people.
On the other hand, such a government is hard to achieve, if an association leads the government. Political officers from all over the world should take part in settling the law and making decisions together. They may argue all day long and no decision is made, which is not a conspicuous situation that citizens want to see. It is also impossible to give power to each area, as it leads to arguments between each area. It is impossible for the officers from mid-east to agree with each other. Moreover, the global government has become a place for debt, which is similar to the UN. Each area becomes conties, and makes no difference.
In sum, the global government is barely a fairy tale, which leads to different treatments to different areas or a government with no power. The way that leads to a peace and friendly world is effective communication between countries.
Great Gakki on a tough topic!
Try to weaken your claims and say things like ‘would likely’ instead of ‘would’.
That shows off more nuanced thinking and grammar.
This topic is quite difficult for me, I have tried my best in 40 mins.
Thanks for your feedbacks, they help me alot!
You’re making good progress, Gakki – a lot of my students have said this is the hardest IELTS topic they have ever seen!
Please give feedback-
There is an argument that suggests having a singular legislative body for the entire world instead of different governments for different nations. This essay will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of forming a single authoritative government for all countries, and give evidence as to why the negative aspects are higher than the positives.
There are many upsides of establishing a global government. First and foremost, the world will run on a global currency. In other words, businesses all over the world will do transactions in a single currency. Because of this, foreign exchange will hold no value and people do not have to worry about losing money due to the change in rates of exchange. Furthermore, every country will likely have equal treatment, be it rich or poor. This is a way to transform societies into egalitarian ones wherein all nations hold equal fundamental rights.
However, the downsides of a homogeneous government are greater. Firstly, there may be partiality among nations. The richer countries may enjoy more power or benefits than the impoverished countries. For instance, Middle Eastern countries like the UAE could be favored over African countries, since they are famous for their earnings from oil deposits. Secondly, by not having heterogeneous governments, it may give rise to dictatorship. To cite a hypothetical example, if the government is based in the United Kingdom, a fraction of people will dictate to the entire world. In other words, they will hold the reins to running the economies of the whole world, and if they want, they have the power to build or break a nation. Moreover, countries that retaliate will end up either in a state of despair or be totally destroyed by the supreme power. Also, countries could start to grow apart, and bitterness might run rampant throughout the world. This is likely to be the catalyst to World War III like conditions.
In conclusion, although one global government engenders some benefits like a single currency and equal rights, the minuses, such as favoritism, the formation of dictatorships, and war situations, are far greater. Therefore, the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages based on the dire repercussions elucidated above.