This is the complete guide to IELTS listening organized by real student questions!
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hi dave
is it midday or mid-day?
in ielts listening test we have this question:
call him before …… tomorrow.
It is midday but they typically have a few options and mid-day is likely one of them.
in IELTS transcripts it’s written midday but in answer sheet is mid-day.
i realy get confused as i see this problem with car park (transcript)/car-park(answer sheet).
which one accounts for correct answer?
Do hyphens and capitals matter in ielts listening and also reading tests?
as a suggestion you can add my question to FAQ.
If you Google them you will see the correct version – sometimes I’m not 100% till I doubdle check.
They will have a few options on their answer sheet (more options than you see in the Cambridge books at the back).
Spelling hurts your score so a hyphen could possible make it wrong depending on the answer.
Thanks – I will add this to the FAQ, Helena!