This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer from the general training exam on the topic of fame and the internet.
It seems to be pretty simple but it is still a real challenge to think of relevant main ideas and support them with specific examples.
Read on to see how I handled it!
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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer General Training: Fame (Real Past IELTS Test/Exam)
Due to television and the internet it is easier today for a large number of people to become famous.
Is this a positive or negative development?
Real Past IELTS Exams/Tests
It is easier than ever today for people to become famous because of increased channels for distribution such as television and the internet. This is clearly a positive trend as it opens up the entertainment industry to greater diversity.
Those that decry this trend typically point to talentless celebrities. In the past, a comedian or musician might work for years honing their craft in order to get a slot on one of the few talkshows and then become famous overnight. Nowadays, many celebrities start on reality TV or a YouTube channel and do not have any discernible talents. The socialite Paris Hilton was one of the first to take advantage of her wealth and personality to build a brand without any real product. Kim Kardashian is a more recent example of an individual who through dating celebrities and canny use of social media and television was able to become a celebrity in her own right.
Despite the aforementioned cases, this is on a whole a positive trend because of the more diverse range of famous people today. Fame used to be the prerogative of white men and women, with the occasional exception from an ethnic group. One of the reasons for this is that whites typically come from more privileged backgrounds and have greater opportunity, thereby making up a disproportionate share of success stories. The internet in particular has levelled the playing field to an extent. Anyone with a smartphone today has the ability to broadcast their talents and cultivate a loyal fanbase, regardless of gender or ethnicity and without the barriers that existed in the past such as ingrained reluctance from authority figures to give certain ethnicities an honest chance.
In conclusion, there are clear cultural drawbacks to the ease with which many achieve fame but today it is nonetheless more inclusive. A greater concern should be the age at which people become famous as it can have developmental side effects.
1. It is easier than ever today for people to become famous because of increased channels for distribution such as television and the internet. 2. This is clearly a positive trend as it opens up the entertainment industry to greater diversity.
- Paraphrase the overall topic for the essay.
- State your opinion clearly – don’t sit in the middle. You must choose a side.
1. Those that decry this trend typically point to talentless celebrities. 2. In the past, a comedian or musician might work for years honing their craft in order to get a slot on one of the few talkshows and then become famous overnight. 3. Nowadays, many celebrities start on reality TV or a YouTube channel and do not have any discernible talents. 4. The socialite Paris Hilton was one of the first to take advantage of her wealth and personality to build a brand without any real product. 5. Kim Kardashian is a more recent example of an individual who through dating celebrities and canny use of social media and television was able to become a celebrity in her own right.
- Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
- Begin to develop your main idea. A good way to start is by comparing with the past.
- Contrast the past with the present and explain a specific difference.
- Give a clear example.
- You can develop the same example or add another like I did here.
1. Despite the aforementioned cases, this is on a whole a positive trend because of the more diverse range of famous people today. 2. Fame used to be the prerogative of white men and women, with the occasional exception from an ethnic group. 3. One of the reasons for this is that whites typically come from more privileged backgrounds and have greater opportunity, thereby making up a disproportionate share of success stories. 4. The internet in particular has levelled the playing field to an extent. 5. Anyone with a smartphone today has the ability to broadcast their talents and cultivate a loyal fanbase, regardless of gender or ethnicity and without the barriers that existed in the past such as ingrained reluctance from authority figures to give certain ethnicities an honest chance.
- Include another topic sentence with a new main idea.
- Begin to develop your new main idea.
- You can support your main idea with a logical arguments. Make sure that your ideas connect and flow naturally.
- Vary your use of long and short sentences.
- Draw out the conclusions/results of your argument to make your paragraph really strong.
1. In conclusion, there are clear cultural drawbacks to the ease with which many achieve fame but today it is nonetheless more inclusive. 2. A greater concern should be the age at which people become famous as it can have developmental side effects.
- Repeat your opinion.
- Add in an extra detail or final thought for full points from the examiner.
What do the words in bold below mean?
It is easier than ever today for people to become famous because of increased channels for distribution such as television and the internet. This is clearly a positive trend as it opens up the entertainment industry to greater diversity.
Those that decry this trend typically point to talentless celebrities. In the past, a comedian or musician might work for years honing their craft in order to get a slot on one of the few talkshows and then become famous overnight. Nowadays, many celebrities start on reality TV or a YouTube channel and do not have any discernible talents. The socialite Paris Hilton was one of the first to take advantage of her wealth and personality to build a brand without any real product. Kim Kardashian is a more recent example of an individual who through dating celebrities and canny use of social media and television was able to become a celebrity in her own right.
Despite the aforementioned cases, this is on a whole a positive trend because of the more diverse range of famous people today. Fame used to be the prerogative of white men and women, with the occasional exception from an ethnic group. One of the reasons for this is that whites typically come from more privileged backgrounds and have greater opportunity, thereby making up a disproportionate share of success stories. The internet in particular has levelled the playing field to an extent. Anyone with a smartphone today has the ability to broadcast their talents and cultivate a loyal fanbase, regardless of gender or ethnicity and without the barriers that existed in the past such as ingrained reluctance from authority figures to give certain ethnicities an honest chance.
In conclusion, there are clear cultural drawbacks to the ease with which many achieve fame but today it is nonetheless more inclusive. A greater concern should be the age at which people become famous as it can have developmental side effects.
easier than ever today become more possible
channels for distribution ways of getting your content out
opens up allows for
entertainment industry movies, TV, music, etc.
greater diversity more different types of
decry rail against
talentless not good at anything
honing their craft getting better at their job
get a slot have a time
talkshows late night shows
overnight suddenly
discernible talents obvious abilities
socialite dilletant
take advantage exploit
wealth money
build a brand become well known
canny use intelligent use
in her own right on her own
aforementioned cases what was said before
on a whole overall
diverse range lots of possibilities
prerogative right
occasional exception odd situation
ethnic group minority
privileged backgrounds rich
making up consisting of
disproportionate share take up too much
levelled the playing field makes everything equal/even
broadcast send out
cultivate develop
loyal fanbase passionate supporters
barriers roadblocks
ingrained reluctance inherent disinclination
authority figures those in power
ethnicities people from various cultures
honest chance actually possible
clear cultural drawbacks obvious disadvantages for the culture
inclusive including all types of people
developmental side effects hurt their upbringing
ˈiːzɪə ðæn ˈɛvə təˈdeɪ
ˈʧænlz fɔː ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən
ˈəʊpənz ʌp
ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt ˈɪndəstri
ˈgreɪtə daɪˈvɜːsɪti
ˈhəʊnɪŋ ðeə krɑːft
gɛt ə slɒt
dɪˈsɜːnəbl ˈtælənts
teɪk ədˈvɑːntɪʤ
bɪld ə brænd
ˈkæni juːz
ɪn hɜːr əʊn raɪt
əˌfɔːˈmɛnʃənd ˈkeɪsɪz
ɒn ə həʊl
daɪˈvɜːs reɪnʤ
əˈkeɪʒənl ɪkˈsɛpʃən
ˈɛθnɪk gruːp
ˈprɪvɪlɪʤd ˈbækgraʊndz
ˈmeɪkɪŋ ʌp
ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʃnɪt ʃeə
ˈlɛvld ðə ˈpleɪɪŋ fiːld
ˈlɔɪəl fænbeɪs
ɪnˈgreɪnd rɪˈlʌktəns
ɔːˈθɒrɪti ˈfɪgəz
ˈɒnɪst ʧɑːns
klɪə ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈdrɔːbæks
dɪˌvɛləpˈmɛntl saɪd ɪˈfɛkts
Listen and repeat:
Vocabulary Practice
It is e______________ for people to become famous because of increased c______________ such as television and the internet. This is clearly a positive trend as it o______________ the e______________ to g______________.
Those that d______________ this trend typically point to t______________ celebrities. In the past, a comedian or musician might work for years h______________ in order to g______________ on one of the few t______________ and then become famous o______________. Nowadays, many celebrities start on reality TV or a YouTube channel and do not have any d______________. The s______________ Paris Hilton was one of the first to t______________ of her w______________ and personality to b______________ without any real product. Kim Kardashian is a more recent example of an individual who through dating celebrities and c______________ of social media and television was able to become a celebrity i______________.
Despite the a______________, this is o______________ a positive trend because of the more d______________ of famous people today. Fame used to be the p______________ of white men and women, with the o______________ from an e______________. One of the reasons for this is that whites typically come from more p______________ and have greater opportunity, thereby m______________ a d______________ of success stories. The internet in particular has l______________ to an extent. Anyone with a smartphone today has the ability to b______________ their talents and c______________, regardless of gender or ethnicity and without the b______________ that existed in the past such as i______________ from a______________ to give certain e ______________ an h______________.
In conclusion, there are c______________ to the ease with which many achieve fame but today it is nonetheless more i______________. A greater concern should be the age at which people become famous as it can have d______________.
Listen and check:
Listening Practice
This video might help you to think of a different main idea from my own:
Reading Practice
Read an interesting (and difficult!) article below about the daughter of a famous psychologist:
Speaking Practice
- Are you close with your family?
- Who do you talk to in your family the most?
- Do you have a large family?
- Are families becoming more distant in your country?
Writing Practice
Write about this similar topic from the real test below:
Many people imitate famous people that they read about or see on TV.
Why is this done?
Is this a good idea?
Real Past IELTS Exam/Test