This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer essay from the real IELTS exam/test related to the topic of staying fit.
It’s an easy topic but difficult when you actually start writing about it.
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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer General Training: Staying Fit (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)
Some believe that the best way to stay fit is to join a gym or health club while others think doing everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs is enough.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Real Past IELTS Exam/Test
Many think that going to the gym is unnecessary and you can get in adequate shape simply through your day-to-day routine. In my opinion, there are benefits to a generally active lifestyle but joining a gym is still the best guarantee of a basic level of fitness.
The health benefits of everyday activities are apparent for those who are very active walkers. Doctors advise the average person to walk 10,000 steps a day to be healthy. These steps can now be easily recorded with a FitBit or Apple Watch, which means that there is less need than ever to set aside gym time. This clear goal can encourage individuals to become more aware of their daily habits and slowly change or supplement them. For example, instead of taking the elevator to one’s apartment or work, you can add a few hundred steps by taking the stairs. While at work you can walk around more often and all your progress will be digitally recorded. This dedication may become habit, eliminating the need for regular, dedicated workouts.
Despite the advantages of walking detailed above, the gym nets more impactful results. The number one leading cause of death globally is heart disease and the only way to combat it is through dietary changes and exercise. Researchers have long extolled the benefits of aerobic exercise for heart health. The most effective aerobic workouts happen at the gym on treadmills and ellipticals. Many doctors recommend that patients at risk of heart disease sign up for gym memberships and commit to a regular workout schedule as walking alone does not provide the intense workout required to strengthen the heart and prevent early death.
In conclusion, going to the gym is crucial to being in good shape. Healthy habits ranging from good nutrition to taking part in sports to making time for the gym are important checks against the inclination today towards a passive, sedentary lifestyle.
Word Count: 315
1. Many think that going to the gym is unnecessary and you can get in adequate shape simply through your day-to-day routine. 2. In my opinion, there are benefits to a generally active lifestyle but joining a gym is still the best guarantee of a basic level of fitness.
- Paraphrase the overall topic for the whole essay.
- Give your opinion – make it clear.
1. The health benefits of everyday activities are apparent for those who are very active walkers. 2. Doctors advise the average person to walk 10,000 steps a day to be healthy. 3. These steps can now be easily recorded with a FitBit or Apple Watch, which means that there is less need than ever to set aside gym time. 4. This clear goal can encourage individuals to become more aware of their daily habits and slowly change or supplement them. 5. For example, instead of taking the elevator to one’s apartment or work, you can add a few hundred steps by taking the stairs. 6. While at work you can walk around more often and all your progress will be digitally recorded. 7. This dedication may become habit, eliminating the need for regular, dedicated workouts.
- Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
- Begin to develop it.
- Use specific examples like the Apple Watch and FitBit.
- State the result of your specific examples.
- Continue to develop your main idea.
- The more you develop it, the higher your task achievement score will be.
- Finish the paragraph by stating the overall result related to the question.
1. Despite the advantages of walking detailed above, the gym nets more impactful results. 2. The number one leading cause of death globally is heart disease and the only way to combat it is through dietary changes and exercise. 3. Researchers have long extolled the benefits of aerobic exercise for heart health. 4. The most effective aerobic workouts happen at the gym on treadmills and ellipticals. 5. Many doctors recommend that patients at risk of heart disease sign up for gym memberships and commit to a regular workout schedule as walking alone does not provide the intense workout required to strengthen the heart and prevent early death.
- Write about topic sentence with another clear main idea at the end.
- Begin developing that main idea. You might have to explain your main idea first.
- Use researchers if possible but don’t quote specific research.
- Include specific details and use strong vocabulary.
- This is a very long, complex sentence. Only write these if you are very confident in your English.
1. In conclusion, going to the gym is crucial to being in good shape. 2. Healthy habits ranging from good nutrition to taking part in sports to making time for the gym are important checks against the inclination today towards a passive, sedentary lifestyle.
- Repeat your opinion.
- Add a final detail or thought to get full marks from the IELTS examiner for task achievement.
What do the words in bold below mean?
Many think that going to the gym is unnecessary and you can get in adequate shape simply through your day-to-day routine. In my opinion, there are benefits to a generally active lifestyle but joining a gym is still the best guarantee of a basic level of fitness.
The health benefits of everyday activities are apparent for those who are very active walkers. Doctors advise the average person to walk 10,000 steps a day to be healthy. These steps can now be easily recorded with a FitBit or Apple Watch, which means that there is less need than ever to set aside gym time. This clear goal can encourage individuals to become more aware of their daily habits and slowly change or supplement them. For example, instead of taking the elevator to one’s apartment or work, you can add a few hundred steps by taking the stairs. While at work you can walk around more often and all your progress will be digitally recorded. This dedication may become habit, eliminating the need for regular, dedicated workouts.
Despite the advantages of walking detailed above, the gym nets more impactful results. The number one leading cause of death globally is heart disease and the only way to combat it is through dietary changes and exercise. Researchers have long extolled the benefits of aerobic exercise for heart health. The most effective aerobic workouts happen at the gym on treadmills and ellipticals. Many doctors recommend that patients at risk of heart disease sign up for gym memberships and commit to a regular workout schedule as walking alone does not provide the intense workout required to strengthen the heart and prevent early death.
In conclusion, going to the gym is crucial to being in good shape. Healthy habits ranging from good nutrition to taking part in sports to making time for the gym are important checks against the inclination today towards a passive, sedentary lifestyle.
unnecessary not needed
adequate shape fit enought
day-to-day routine daily activities
generally active lifestyle getting up to a lot
best guarantee most likely chance of
basic level of fitness minimum health
health benefits good for your health
apparent ostensible
active walkers people who walk a lot
advise give advice
easily recorded can be tracked simply
FitBit a watch for checking your health
less need than ever not so important
set aside gym time go work out
clear goal obvious aim
aware know about
daily habits what you do everyday
supplement add to, complement
taking the elevator using the elevator
progress moving forward
digitally recorded make a record of
dedication commitment to
eliminating getting rid of
regular everyday, consistently
dedicated workouts exercising for a specific purpose
detailed above mentioned before
nets gains/gets you
impactful results effective
leading cause of death globally most people around the world die from this
heart disease heart attacks, high cholesterol, etc.
combat fight
dietary changes better nutrition
extolled recommend highly
aerobic exercise lung-based exercise (running, swimming, etc.)
treadmills running machines in gyms
ellipticals similar to treadmills but you don’t take actual steps
patients sick people
sign up for gym memberships join a health club
commit to a regular workout schedule consistently go to the gym
intense workout required good exercise needed
strengthen make stronger
prevent early death.keep you alive
crucial very important
ranging from including
nutrition eating right
taking part in sports joining in a sport
making time freeing up time
checks balances
inclination like to
passive not active
sedentary lifestyle sitting around a lot
ˈædɪkwɪt ʃeɪp
ˈdeɪtəˈdeɪ ruːˈtiːn
ˈʤɛnərəli ˈæktɪv ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl
bɛst ˌgærənˈtiː
ˈbeɪsɪk ˈlɛvl ɒv ˈfɪtnɪs
hɛlθ ˈbɛnɪfɪts
ˈæktɪv ˈwɔːkəz
ˈiːzɪli rɪˈkɔːdɪd
lɛs niːd ðæn ˈɛvə
sɛt əˈsaɪd ʤɪm taɪm
klɪə gəʊl
ˈdeɪli ˈhæbɪts
ˈteɪkɪŋ ði ˈɛlɪveɪtə
ˈdɪʤɪtli rɪˈkɔːdɪd
ˈdɛdɪkeɪtɪd ˈwɜːkaʊts
ˈdiːteɪld əˈbʌv
ˈɪmpæktf(ə)l rɪˈzʌlts
ˈliːdɪŋ kɔːz ɒv dɛθ ˈgləʊbəli
hɑːt dɪˈziːz
ˈdaɪətəri ˈʧeɪnʤɪz
eəˈrəʊbɪk ˈɛksəsaɪz
saɪn ʌp fɔː ʤɪm ˈmɛmbəʃɪps
kəˈmɪt tuː ə ˈrɛgjʊlə ˈwɜːkaʊt ˈʃɛdjuːl
ɪnˈtɛns ˈwɜːkaʊt rɪˈkwaɪəd
prɪˈvɛnt ˈɜːli dɛθ.
ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm
ˈteɪkɪŋ pɑːt ɪn spɔːts
ˈmeɪkɪŋ taɪm
ˈsɛdntəri ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl
Listen and repeat:
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
Many think that going to the gym is u_______________ and you can get in a_______________ simply through your d_______________. In my opinion, there are benefits to a g_______________ but joining a gym is still the b_______________ of a b_______________.
The h_______________ of everyday activities are a_______________ for those who are very a_______________. Doctors a_______________ the average person to walk 10,000 steps a day to be healthy. These steps can now be e_______________ with a F_______________ or Apple Watch, which means that there is l _______________ to s_______________. This c_______________ can encourage individuals to become more a_______________ of their d_______________ and slowly change or s_______________ them. For example, instead of t_______________ to one’s apartment or work, you can add a few hundred steps by taking the stairs. While at work you can walk around more often and all your p_______________ will be d_______________. This d_______________ may become habit, e_______________ the need for r_______________, d_______________.
Despite the advantages of walking d_______________, the gym n_______________ more i_______________. The number one l_______________ is h_______________ and the only way to c_______________ it is through d_______________ and exercise. Researchers have long e_______________ the benefits of a_______________ for heart health. The most effective aerobic workouts happen at the gym on t_______________ and e_______________. Many doctors recommend that p_______________ at risk of heart disease s_______________ and c_______________ as walking alone does not provide the i_______________ to s_______________ the heart and p_______________.
In conclusion, going to the gym is c_______________ to being in good shape. Healthy habits r_______________ good n_______________ to t_______________ to m_______________ for the gym are important c_______________ against the i_______________ today towards a p_______________, s_______________.
Listen and check:
Listening Practice
Here’s a video about taking 10,000 steps a day to lose weight:
Reading Practice
Here is some advice from doctors on the best ways to stay fit:
Speaking Practice
Practice answer the questions from the real IELTS speaking exam below:
- How often do people in your country go to the doctor?
- Are doctors always trustworthy?
- How will hospitals change in the future?
- Is traditional medicine an important part of your culture?
- What makes a person healthy?
Writing Practice
Practice with the writing topic below then check with my sample answer:
Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit. Others think there are more effective methods.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Real Past IELTS Exam/Test
Hi Dave,
Thank you for this great sample essay. I would like to ask a question: Normally, in discuss both view and give my opinion essays, people should pick one side and demonstrate that it is clearly better than the other. However, since I only saw the question ask “give your opinion”, is it possible to say both side are good; however, their effects will vary depending on users. Therefore, this one is suitable for this person and that one is suitable for that person?
Here is my example:
“Generally, both kinds of exercise are beneficial for body shape. However, each kind of exercise is suitable for different groups of people, and people should consider their time budget and body goals before deciding which kind of exercise they should follow.”
“Workout at gymnasiums seems better for people who would like attractive bodies and can afford time off for training sessions regularly, and doing exercise through daily activities seems to be the best choice for people who are busy or only want to stay healthy. Hence, when it comes to which kind of exercise people should engage in, the major concern here is not about which one is better for body shape. Instead, it should be which one meets each individual’s schedule and health objectives better.”
I look forward to your reply. Thank you for your support.
Duy Anh
Hi Duy Anh!
Actually in discuss both sides essays, if you just choose one said and focus on that you are only partially answering the question and will get below band 5 for task achievement automatically. You can see in the band descriptors under task achievement ‘partially answers the question.’
It is possible to have the kind of nuanced opinion you are talking about but I wouldn’t recommend it for two reasons.
1. It is difficult to write it correctly and if you mess it up and don’t have a clear position you will get below band 5.
2. Even if you pull it off, I worry that an examiner made have an idiosyncratic view and mark you down anyway.
Yours should be fine but it is still a risk and much safer to just choose an overall side!