This is an IELTS writing task 1 sample answer essay on the topic of a map of the town of Willington.

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IELTS Task 1: Town of Willington

The map details changes that occurred in the town of Willington in the years 1780, 1860, and 2000. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the village became more residential and commercial, including new homes, access roads, a bridge, shops, and areas for recreation and sports at the expense of natural forests and farms. Only the river remained unchanged.

In 1780, there were only 100 homes in Willington and a considerable region to the east and south was occupied by farms and woods. The river ran from north to south alongside the town, a feature that was unaltered by 2000. By 1860, some farms and forest had been removed to allow for a road leading from the river to a residential area that had doubled in size (200 homes) in the northeast. There was also the appearance of a bridge over the river.

In 2000, the number of homes rose to 500 and the farms and forests were entirely cleared. This enabled the construction of two schools, 3 sports fields and numerous shops lining the southern side of the river. The final addition was a large lake at the south end of the river.


1. The map details changes that occurred in the town of Willington in the years 1780, 1860, and 2000. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the village became more residential and commercial, including new homes, access roads, a bridge, shops, and areas for recreation and sports at the expense of natural forests and farms. 3. Only the river remained unchanged.

  1. Paraphrase what the map shows.
  2. Write a clear overview summarising the major groups.
  3. You might need a 3rd sentence for your overview.

1. In 1780, there were only 100 homes in Willington and a considerable region to the east and south was occupied by farms and woods. 2. The river ran from north to south alongside the town, a feature that was unaltered by 2000. 3. By 1860, some farms and forest had been removed to allow for a road leading from the river to a residential area that had doubled in size (200 homes) in the northeast. 4. There was also the appearance of a bridge over the river.

  1. Begin writing about the details of the map.
  2. Transition between parts of the map logically.
  3. Include every area on the map.

1. In 2000, the number of homes rose to 500 and the farms and forests were entirely cleared. 2. This enabled the construction of two schools, 3 sports fields and numerous shops lining the southern side of the river. 3. The final addition was a large lake at the south end of the river.

  1. Write about the rest of the map – include everything!
  2. Try to paraphrase some of the words from the map as well.
  3. Add in the last part of the map.


What do the words in bold below mean? Take some notes on a piece of paper to aid your memory:

The map details changes that occurred in the town of Willington in the years 1780, 1860, and 2000. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the village became more residential and commercial, including new homes, access roads, a bridge, shops, and areas for recreation and sports at the expense of natural forests and farms. Only the river remained unchanged.

In 1780, there were only 100 homes in Willington and a considerable region to the east and south was occupied by farms and woods. The river ran from north to south alongside the town, a feature that was unaltered by 2000. By 1860, some farms and forestry had been removed to allow for a road leading from the river to a residential area that had doubled in size (200 homes) in the northeast. There was also the appearance of a bridge over the river.

In 2000, the number of homes rose to 500 and the farms and forests were entirely cleared. This enabled the construction of two schools, 3 sports fields and numerous shops lining the southern side of the river. The final addition was a large lake at the south end of the river.


Try practicing with the vocabulary below by writing an antonym/opposite word on a piece of paper (or just thinking of one):

details shows

occurred happened

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

village small town

residential place where people can live, houses/homes

commercial related to business

access roads ways to get into a place

bridge a raised street over water or land

areas for recreation places to chill out

at the expense of natural forests removing the woods

farms agricultural areas

remained unchanged stay unaltered

considerable region big area

occupied by taking the place of

woods forests

ran from north to south alongside the town going from the top to the bottom next to the village

feature notable part

unaltered unchanged

forest woods, trees

removed to allow for a taken away so that

leading from the river to a residential area going from a stream to the housing district

doubled 200% increase

appearance how it looks outside

rose to increased to

entirely cleared gotten rid of completely

enabled allowed for

construction building of

lining alongside

southern side of the river bottom part of the water

The final addition was the last area added was

south end bottom part


Practice saying the words below using this tip with Google voice dictation:

ˈlʊkɪŋ frɒm ən ˈəʊvərɔːl pəˈspɛktɪvɪt ɪz ˈrɛdɪli əˈpærənt ðæt 
ˈæksɛs rəʊdz 
ˈeərɪəz fɔː ˌriːkrɪˈeɪʃən 
æt ði ɪksˈpɛns ɒv ˈnæʧrəl ˈfɒrɪsts 
rɪˈmeɪnd ʌnˈʧeɪnʤd
kənˈsɪdərəbl ˈriːʤən 
ˈɒkjʊpaɪd baɪ 
ræn frɒm nɔːθ tuː saʊθ əˈlɒŋˈsaɪd ðə taʊn 
rɪˈmuːvd tuː əˈlaʊ fɔːr eɪ 
ˈliːdɪŋ frɒm ðə ˈrɪvə tuː ə ˌrɛzɪˈdɛnʃəl ˈeərɪə 
rəʊz tuː 
ɪnˈtaɪəli klɪəd 
ˈsʌðən saɪd ɒv ðə ˈrɪvə
ðə ˈfaɪnl əˈdɪʃ(ə)n wɒz 
saʊθ ɛnd 

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

The map d_______s changes that o________d in the town of Willington in the years 1780, 1860, and 2000. L_____________________________________________________t the v________e became more r_________l and c____________l, including new homes, a___________s, a b_______e, shops, and a__________________n and sports a___________________________s and f_______s. Only the river r______________________d.

In 1780, there were only 100 homes in Willington and a c_______________n to the east and south was o_____________y farms and w_____s. The river r______________________________________n, a f_________e that was u_________d by 2000. By 1860, some farms and f________y had been r__________________a road l___________________________________a that had d______d in size (200 homes) in the northeast. There was also the a_________e of a bridge over the river.

In 2000, the number of homes r______o 500 and the farms and forests were e______________d. This e________d the c_______________n of two schools, 3 sports fields and numerous shops l______g the s_____________________r. T___________________________s a large lake at the s_______d of the river.

Listening Practice

Listen to the related topic below and practice with these activities:

Reading Practice

Read more and use these ideas to practice:

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following related questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:

Where you Live

  1. Where is your hometown?
  2. Would you like to live there in the future?
  3. What don’t you like about your home?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related process below and then check with my sample answer:

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