This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer esssay from the general training exam on the topic of getting advice from old people.

Usually I write about both sides in agree/disagree questions but for this one I decided to just agree.

Check out the structure in the analysis below.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay General Training: Advice from Old People (Real IELTS Exam/Test)

Many people think that it is better to get advice from old rather than young people.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Real Past IELTS Exam/Test

There is a growing tendency to seek advice from older, instead of younger, people. In my opinion, this is prudent because older people are less narcissistic and have more mature viewpoints.

Recent research has confirmed the suspicion that our seniors are less self-involved. Just as children begin as complete narcissists incapable of feeling empathy, young people must also work through trauma, hurtful pride and delusions to become healthy. When you get a job, work as part of a team, form friendships and have lovers, you will naturally uncover your own unhealthy drives and slowly replace them with socially constructive ones. This expanded confidence and self-growth allows you to truly listen to what others are saying and be capable of giving sound advice disentangled from personal insecurities.

The other reason that older people give better advice is that they have opinions shaped through years of experience. Young people tend to be more idealistic and less willing to consider what is pragmatic. If an individual has had a family they will have to navigate work/life balance issues, raising a child, intimacy, and financial obstacles. They will develop coping mechanisms and methods to deal with these problems and be able to pass them on to anyone in search of guidance. Young people could give similar advice, but since it is not based on experience and has not been tested, it is less likely to be effective.

In conclusion, a settled temperament and experience are the factors that favour the counsel of older people. As young people become old people, it is increasingly likely they will see the veracity of this.


1. There is a growing tendency to seek advice from older, instead of younger, people. 2. In my opinion, this is prudent because older people are less narcissistic and have more mature viewpoints.

  1. Paraphrase the overall topic for the essay.
  2. Write your opinion – it must be 100% clear. In this one, I decided to agree because I have two separate main reasons that I can develop.

1. Recent research has confirmed the suspicion that our seniors are less self-involved. 2. Just as children begin as complete narcissists incapable of feeling empathy, young people must also work through trauma, hurtful pride and delusions to become healthy. 3. When you get a job, work as part of a team, form friendships and have lovers, you will naturally uncover your own unhealthy drives and slowly replace them with socially constructive ones. 4. This expanded confidence and self-growth allows you to truly listen to what others are saying and be capable of giving sound advice disentangled from personal insecurities.

  1. Write a clear topic sentence with a main idea at the end of it.
  2. Begin developing your main idea. I start by comparing old and young people.
  3. I further develop it by listing the specific experiences that make a person less of a narcissist.
  4. Continue developing in your last sentence and relate it back to the overall topic question.

1. The other reason that older people give better advice is that they have opinions shaped through years of experience. 2. Young people tend to be more idealistic and less willing to consider what is pragmatic. 3. If an individual has had a family they will have to navigate work/life balance issues, raising a child, intimacy, and financial obstacles. 4. They will develop coping mechanisms and methods to deal with these problems and be able to pass them on to anyone in search of guidance. 5. Young people could give similar advice, but since it is not based on experience and has not been tested, it is less likely to be effective.

  1. Write another topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end. Only write with this structure if you have two distinct main ideas.
  2. Explain your main idea if necessary.
  3. List specific details/examples.
  4. Continue developing the effect of those details.
  5. I conclude this paragraph by again comparing young and old people.

1. In conclusion, a settled temperament and experience are the factors that favour the counsel of older people. 2. As young people become old people, it is increasingly likely they will see the veracity of this.

  1. Repeat your opinion.
  2. Add in a final detail or thought to conclude your essay.


What do the words in bold below mean?

There is a growing tendency to seek advice from older, instead of younger, people. In my opinion, this is prudent because older people are less narcissistic and have more mature viewpoints.

Recent research has confirmed the suspicion that our seniors are less self-involved. Just as children begin as complete narcissists incapable of feeling empathy, young people must also work through trauma, hurtful pride and delusions to become healthy. When you get a job, work as part of a team, form friendships and have lovers, you will naturally uncover your own unhealthy drives and slowly replace them with socially constructive ones. This expanded confidence and self-growth allows you to truly listen to what others are saying and be capable of giving sound advice disentangled from personal insecurities.

The other reason that older people give better advice is that they have opinions shaped through years of experience. Young people tend to be more idealistic and less willing to consider what is pragmatic. If an individual has had a family they will have to navigate work/life balance issues, raising a child, intimacy, and financial obstacles. They will develop coping mechanisms and methods to deal with these problems and be able to pass them on to anyone in search of guidance. Young people could give similar advice, but since it is not based on experience and has not been tested, it is less likely to be effective.

In conclusion, a settled temperament and experience are the factors that favour the counsel of older people. As young people become old people, it is increasingly likely they will see the veracity of this.


growing tendency more and more common

seek advice ask for guidance for problems

prudent cautious and wise

narcissistic only able to meet your own needs

mature viewpoints experienced opinions

confirmed the suspicion was indeed correct

less self-involved not as narcissistic

incapable of feeling empathy cannot feel the emotions of others

trauma terrible, scarring events

hurtful pride arrogance

delusions fantasies

as part of a team in a group

form friendships become friends

naturally uncover in the course of things

unhealthy drives wasteful desires

socially constructive good for all of society

expanded confidence greater self-esteem

self-growth developing

truly listen actually hear out

giving sound advice disentangled giving good guidance free from

personal insecurities self-doubts

give better advice give superior guidance

opinions shaped views molded

idealistic overly optimistic

less willing don’t want to

pragmatic practical

navigate work/life balance issues work through issues with your time

raising a child being a parent

intimacy close connection

financial obstacles money problems

develop coping mechanisms deal with through habits

methods to deal with ways of handling

pass them on give them to

in search of guidance looking for advice

effective impactful

settled temperament even keeled

favour the counsel support the advice of

increasingly likely probably not going to happen

see the veracity recognise the truth


ˈgrəʊɪŋ ˈtɛndənsi 
siːk ədˈvaɪs 
məˈtjʊə ˈvjuːpɔɪnts
kənˈfɜːmd ðə səsˈpɪʃən 
lɛs sɛlf-ɪnˈvɒlvd
ɪnˈkeɪpəbl ɒv ˈfiːlɪŋ ˈɛmpəθi
ˈhɜːtfʊl praɪd 
æz pɑːt ɒv ə tiːm
fɔːm ˈfrɛndʃɪps 
ˈnæʧrəli ʌnˈkʌvə 
ʌnˈhɛlθi draɪvz 
ˈsəʊʃəli kənˈstrʌktɪv 
ɪksˈpændɪd ˈkɒnfɪdəns 
ˈtruːli ˈlɪsn
ˈgɪvɪŋ saʊnd ədˈvaɪs ˌdɪsɪnˈtæŋgld 
ˈpɜːsnl ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊərɪtiz
gɪv ˈbɛtər ədˈvaɪs 
əˈpɪnjənz ʃeɪpt 
lɛs ˈwɪlɪŋ 
ˈnævɪgeɪt wɜːk/laɪf ˈbæləns ˈɪʃuːz
ˈreɪzɪŋ ə ʧaɪld
faɪˈnænʃəl ˈɒbstəklz
dɪˈvɛləp ˈkəʊpɪŋ ˈmɛkənɪzmz 
ˈmɛθədz tuː diːl wɪð 
pɑːs ðɛm ɒn 
ɪn sɜːʧ ɒv ˈgaɪdəns
ˈsɛtld ˈtɛmpərəmənt 
ˈfeɪvə ðə ˈkaʊns(ə)l 
ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈlaɪkli
siː ðə vəˈræsɪti 

Listen and repeat:

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks below:

There is a g________________y to s_____________e from older, instead of younger, people. In my opinion, this is p________t because older people are less n_____________c and have more m____________________s.

Recent research has c________________________n that our seniors are le___________________d. Just as children begin as complete narcissists i____________________________y, young people must also work through t__________a, h________________e and d______________s to become healthy. When you get a job, work a___________________m, f____________________s and have lovers, you will n________________________r your own u____________________s and slowly replace them with s_____________________e ones. This e_________________________e and s_______________h allows you to t___________________n to what others are saying and be capable of g_________________________________d from p_________________________s.

The other reason that older people g_______________________e is that they have o_____________________d through years of experience. Young people tend to be more i___________________c and l____________________g to consider what is p_________________c. If an individual has had a family they will have to n____________________________________s, r_________________d, i_______________y, and f_______________________s. They will d_____________________________s and m________________________h these problems and be able to p_______________________n to anyone i_______________________________e. Young people could give similar advice, but since it is not based on experience and has not been tested, it is less likely to be e_________________e.

In conclusion, a s____________________________t and experience are the factors that f__________________________l of older people. As young people become old people, it is i______________________y they will s________________________y of this.

Listen and check:

Listening Practice

Watch the video below for some good advice from old and young people!

Reading Practice

Read about some examples of advice from history that can still help you today:

Speaking Practice

Answer the following question from part 2 of the real IELTS speaking exam:

Talk about a time you gave advice to someone else. Include

Who it was

The advice

The effect

Writing Practice

Answer a related question about old people then check my sample answer:

Some think that governments should support retired people financially while others believe they should take care of themselves.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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