When it comes to political decisions that impact millions of people in America and around the world, Donald Trump doesn’t make any mistakes. He’s perfect. He wouldn’t say it but he is. Everyone knows that.

But when it comes to English grammar and vocabulary, his record is a bit mixed.

I don’t think it is fair to pick apart a few tweets with mistakes in them and call him an idiot. Twitter is about sending out fast messages. Most of his tweets do not have mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes – we shouldn’t pretend that typos are actually important!

If you think you’re smarter than the president because you can spot some typos he made on Twitter, you need to completely re-evaluate your life.

Still, I won’t judge whatever you need to feel better about yourself – we all need a pick-me up and Donald Trump is picking up the whole world at the moment!

Be sure to avoid the mistakes that most students make on writing by signing up for my exclusive IELTS Ebooks here on Patreon.



First I’m going to look at his writing (and some speaking) mistakes based on the four IELTS criteria: vocabulary, grammar, fluency/cohesion & coherence, and task achievement. I’ve included spelling as a separate category because there are so, so many spelling mistakes…

IELTS Writing Task 2 Tip: Edit for mistakes if you have an extra minute at the end. Practice this tip by using all of Trump’s mistakes below.

Then I’ll give him his IELTS band scores as if he was a regular IELTS candidate!

Be sure to check out my post and video on Donald Trump’s IELTS speaking score as well (if you don’t have enough Donald Trump in your life already – how did we ever live before Donald Trump was president?).

Be sure to subscribe on YouTube for more content like this.



SPELLING MISTAKES – Can you find all 13!?

  • I’m honered to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States!

  • China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act!

  • Reports by @CNN that I will be working on The Apprentice during my Presidency, even part time, are rediculous & untrue – FAKE NEWS!

  • Looks to me like the Bernie people will fight. If not, there blood, sweat and tears was a total waist of time. Kaine stands for opposite!

  • These politicians like Cruz and Graham, who have watched ISIS and many other problems develope for years, do nothing to make thing better!

  • @AndreaTantaros- You are a true journalistic profesional. I so agree with what you say. Keep up the great work!

  • All of the phony T.V. commercials against me are bought and payed for by SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, the bandits that tell your pols what to do

  • Leightweight chocker Marco Rubio looks like a little boy on stage. Not presidential material!

  • Thr coverage … gas been so false and angry

  • The dying @NRO National Review has totally given up the fight against Barrack Obama. They have been loosing for years. I will beat Hillary!

  • If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House waite so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?



  • I’m honored to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States!

  • China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act!

  • Reports by @CNN that I will be working on The Apprentice during my Presidency, even part time, are ridiculous & untrue – FAKE NEWS!

  • Looks to me like the Bernie people will fight. If not, there blood, sweat and tears was a total waste of time. Kaine stands for opposite!

  • These politicians like Cruz and Graham, who have watched ISIS and many other problems develop for years, do nothing to make thing better!

  • @AndreaTantaros- You are a true journalistic professional. I so agree with what you say. Keep up the great work!

  • All of the phony T.V. commercials against me are bought and paid for by SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, the bandits that tell your pols what to do

  • Lightweight choker Marco Rubio looks like a little boy on stage. Not presidential material

  • Their coverage … has been so false and angry

  • The dying @NRO National Review has totally given up the fight against Barrack Obama. They have been losing for years. I will beat Hillary!

  • If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?


GRAMMAR MISTAKES – Can you find all 24!?

  • So funny, the Democrats have sued the Republicans for Winning. Now he R’s counter and force them to turn over a treasure trove of material, including Servers and Emails!

  • No dream is too big, no challenge is to great

  • Cooper: “Did you use that $960 million loss to avoid paying personal federal income taxes?” Trump: “Of course I do. Of course I do.”

  • This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!

  • For those asking, the Republicans only have 51 votes in the Senate, and they need 60. That is why we need to win more Republicans in 2018 Election! We can then be even tougher on Crime (and Border), and even better to our Military & Veterans!

  • The Fake News Media hates when I use what has turned out to be my very powerful Social Media – over 100 million people! I can go around them

  • No matter how good I do on something, they’ll never write good. I mean, they don’t write good. They have people over there, like Maggie Haberman, and others, they don’t write good. They don’t know how to write good

  • This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign

IELTS Grammar Score: Band 6

IELTS Grammar Score for Donald!

Read more about the most important grammar websites here.


  • So funny, the Democrats have sued the Republicans for winning. Now he R’s counter and force them to turn over a treasure trove of material, including servers and emails!

  • No dream is too big, no challenge is too great

  • Cooper: “Did you use that $960 million loss to avoid paying personal federal income taxes?” Trump: “Of course I did. Of course I did.”

  • This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian witch hunt goes on and on. Their was no collusion and there was no obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!

  • For those asking, the Republicans only have 51 votes in the senate, and they need 60. That is why we need to win more Republicans in 2018 election! We can then be even tougher on crime (and the border), and even better to our military & veterans!

  • The fake news  media hates when I use what has turned out to be my very powerful social media – over 100 million people! I can go around them.

  • No matter how well do on something, they’ll never write ‘good.’ I mean, they don’t write ‘good.’ They have people over there, like Maggie Haberman, and others, they don’t write ‘good.’ They don’t know how to write ‘good.

  • This Russian connection nonsense is merely an attempt to coverup the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign,


VOCABULARY MISTAKES – Can you find all 8!?

  • Ted Cruz is totally unelectable, if he even gets to run (born in Canada). Will loose big to Hillary. Polls show I beat Hillary easily! WIN!

  • We must protect our country and our workers. Our steel industry is in bad shape. IF YOU DON’T HAVE STEEL, YOU DON’T HAVE A COUNTRY!

  • I’m not unproud

  • China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act.

  • Despite the constant negative press covfefe

  • Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council

  • Buy American & hire American are the principals at the core of my agenda, which is: JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Thank you @exxonmobil

  • Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!


IELTS Vocabulary Score: Band 6

IELTS vocab score for Donald!

Read more about the vocabulary words you shouldn’t be studying here.


  • Ted Cruz is totally unelectable, if he even gets to run (born in Canada). Will lose big to Hillary. Polls show I beat Hillary easily! WIN!

  • We must protect our country and our workers. Our steel industry is in bad shape. IF YOU DON’T HAVE STEEL, YOU DON’T HAVE A COUNTRY! (You can still have a country without steel)

  • I’m not ashamed,

  • China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act.

  • Despite the constant negative press coverage (maybe?).

  • Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. counsel.

  • Buy American & hire American are the principles at the core of my agenda, which is: JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Thank you @exxonmobil

  • Terrible! Just found out that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!


COHESION & COHERENCE – Can you find all 1 million mistakes?

Talking about his first 100 days in office:

Number one, there’s great responsibility. When it came time to, as an example, send out the fifty-nine missiles, the Tomahawks in Syria. I’m saying to myself, “You know, this is more than just like, seventy-nine [sic] missiles. This is death that’s involved,” because people could have been killed. This is risk that’s involved, because if the missile goes off and goes in a city or goes in a civilian area—you know, the boats were hundreds of miles away—and if this missile goes off and lands in the middle of a town or a hamlet …. every decision is much harder than you’d normally make. [unintelligible] … This is involving death and life and so many things. … So it’s far more responsibility. [unintelligible] ….The financial cost of everything is so massive, every agency. This is thousands of times bigger, the United States, than the biggest company in the world.

IELTS Cohesion & Coherence Score: Band 4

IELTS Cohesion and Coherence Score for Donald!

Read more about cohesion and coherence here.


TASK ACHIEVEMENT – Does Donald Trump answer the interviewer’s question?

BOB WOODWARD: And the real first question is, where do you start the movie of your decision to run for president? Because that is a big deal. A lot of internal/external stuff, and we’d love to hear your monologue on how you did it.

DONALD TRUMP: Where do you start the movie? I think it’s actually — and very interesting question — but I think the start was standing on top of the escalator at Trump Tower on June 16, which is the day — Bob, you were there, and you know what I mean, because there has. . . . I mean, it looked like the Academy Awards. I talk about it. There were so many cameras. So many — it was packed. The atrium of Trump Tower, which is a very big place, was packed. It literally looked like the Academy Awards. And . . .  .

BW: But we want to go before that moment.

DT:   Before that? Okay, because that was really . . .  .

BW: Because, other words, there’s an internal Donald with Donald.

ROBERT COSTA: Maybe late 2014 or before you started hiring people?

DT: Well, but that was — okay, but I will tell you, until the very end. . . . You know, I have a good life. I built a great company. It’s been amazingly — I’m sure you looked at the numbers. I have very little debt, tremendous assets. And great cash flows. I have a wonderful family. Ivanka just had a baby. Doing this is not the easiest thing in the world to do. People have — many of my friends, very successful people, have said, “Why would you do this?”

BW: Can you isolate a moment when it kicked to yes?

DT: Well, I’ll tell you a moment.

BW: Because that’s what Bob and I are looking for.

DT: I’ll tell you a moment when it kicked to yes. Because it was a monetary moment also. So you saw that it made a lot of money because it was certified. Now it’s much more, because I also have a big chunk of the show. We chose Arnold Schwarzenegger to take my place. Okay? And hopefully Arnold will do well; who knows? But there was a moment in, I would say, February of last year, so that would be four months, three, four months before I announced, when Steve Burke, great guy, of Comcast — the head — came to see me with the top people at NBC. And they wanted to extend my contract. And I said, “Steve, I think that I am going to run for president. And if I do that, I’m not allowed to have a show.” In fact, when I did “Saturday Night Live” recently, it was a whole big deal. I’m not allowed to be on, and they actually had to give certain periods of time to other candidates that were running. It was a whole big . . .  . So. I disagree with the equal time provisions. I think they’re very unfair. But nevertheless, you have them. So I said, “Steve, I can’t have a show if I run. I can’t be having a show, so I’m not going to run.” He says, “No, no, no, you’re going to do it.” I said, “Steve, I’m going to.” And they actually went to the upfronts and they announced that “The Apprentice” — in fact, you had a problem with it, because you were hearing that I was going to run, and then they announce that they’re going to renew “The Apprentice” with Donald Trump. And I remember he called one of my people, maybe Hope. But he called one of my people and said, “Wait a minute, he’s going to run, but he just announced he’s doing ‘The Apprentice.’ ” Do you remember that problem?

IELTS Task Achievement/Fluency Score: Band 5 

IELTS task achievement score for Donald!

Read more about Task Achievement here.



Overall score (Grammar + Vocabulary + Cohesion & Coherence + Task Achievement divided by 4): Band 5!


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