This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the general training exam on the topic of bicycles.
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IELTS Essay: Bicycles
Some people say that the bicycles are a good, modern means of transportation. Other say riding a bicycle has clear disadvantages.
Discuss both view points and give your own opinion.
Many people today are taking advantage of the environmental and health benefits of using bicycles as a primary means of transportation. I am largely in agreement with this practice, despite potential safety concerns.
Critics often point out that cycling can be dangerous. This conclusion is based on numerous studies showing the fatality and serious injury rates for accidents involving bicycles are considerably higher than for most other vehicles. Even if a cyclist is wearing a helmet, the rest of their body is completely unprotected and bikes themselves do not stand up well to collisions. Added to this are the driving conditions in most major cities, where there might not be bike lanes or cars and motorbikes may not respect cyclists’ right of way. The cyclists themselves contribute to the danger if they are overconfident and try to keep up with or pass motorised vehicles.
Nonetheless, the marginally increased risks involved in cycling do not outweigh its environmental and health benefit. Bikes are a modern, clean form of transportation because they do not burn any fossil fuels or require intensive industrial production methods for their manufacturing. This is the main reason many forward-looking, environmentally-conscious cities now encourage biking to work with bike lanes and bike-sharing schemes. The second advantage is health. Cycling is great cardiovascular exercise at a time when lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary due to advances in consumer technology. Riding a bicycle allows the average person to get in their daily exercise efficiently on their way to work.
In conclusion, bikes may increase the odds of serious injury, but these exceptions are dwarfed by health and environmental prerogatives. Cities should therefore enact laws to help cycling flourish.
1. Many people today are taking advantage of the environmental and health benefits of using bicycles as a primary means of transportation. 2. I am largely in agreement with this practice, despite potential safety concerns.
- Paraphrase the essay topic.
- Add a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. Critics often point out that cycling can be dangerous. 2. This conclusion is based on numerous studies showing the fatality and serious injury rates for accidents involving bicycles are considerably higher than for most other vehicles. 3. Even if a cyclist is wearing a helmet, the rest of their body is completely unprotected and bikes themselves do not stand up well to collisions. 4. Added to this are the driving conditions in most major cities, where there might not be bike lanes or cars and motorbikes may not respect cyclists’ right of way. 5. The cyclists themselves contribute to the danger if they are overconfident and try to keep up with or pass motorised vehicles.
- Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
- Explain your main idea.
- Develop it fully.
- Move on to a second disadvantage.
- Develop it fully.
1. Nonetheless, the marginally increased risks involved in cycling do not outweigh its environmental and health benefit. 2. Bikes are a modern, clean form of transportation because they do not burn any fossil fuels or require intensive industrial production methods for their manufacturing. 3. This is the main reason many forward-looking, environmentally-conscious cities now encourage biking to work with bike lanes and bike-sharing schemes. 4. The second advantage is health. 5. Cycling is great cardiovascular exercise at a time when lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary due to advances in consumer technology. 6. Riding a bicycle allows the average person to get in their daily exercise efficiently on their way to work.
- Write another topic sentence with a new main idea.
- Develop it.
- Continue to develop it as fully as possible.
- Vary long and short sentences.
- Develop the second idea.
- Conclude with the full development of the second idea.
1. In conclusion, bikes may increase the odds of serious injury, but these exceptions are dwarfed by health and environmental prerogatives. 2. Cities should therefore enact laws to help cycling flourish.
- Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion.
- Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.
What do the words in bold below mean?
Many people today are taking advantage of the environmental and health benefits of using bicycles as a primary means of transportation. I am largely in agreement with this practice, despite potential safety concerns.
Critics often point out that cycling can be dangerous. This conclusion is based on numerous studies showing the fatality and serious injury rates for accidents involving bicycles are considerably higher than for most other vehicles. Even if a cyclist is wearing a helmet, the rest of their body is completely unprotected and bikes themselves do not stand up well to collisions. Added to this are the driving conditions in most major cities, where there might not be bike lanes or cars and motorbikes may not respect cyclists’ right of way. The cyclists themselves contribute to the danger if they are overconfident and try to keep up with or pass motorised vehicles.
Nonetheless, the marginally increased risks involved in cycling do not outweigh its environmental and health benefit. Bikes are a modern, clean form of transportation because they do not burn any fossil fuels or require intensive industrial production methods for their manufacturing. This is the main reason many forward-looking, environmentally-conscious cities now encourage biking to work with bike lanes and bike-sharing schemes. The second advantage is health. Cycling is great cardiovascular exercise at a time when lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary due to advances in consumer technology. Riding a bicycle allows the average person to get in their daily exercise efficiently on their way to work.
In conclusion, bikes may increase the odds of serious injury, but these exceptions are dwarfed by health and environmental prerogatives. Cities should therefore enact laws to help cycling flourish.
taking advantage of exploiting
primary means main way
I am largely in agreement with I agree
practice development
despite potential safety concerns possible dangers
critics often point out detractors usually argue
conclusion realisation
based on numerous studies because of research
fatality death
serious injury rates the figures for getting hurt a lot
considerably higher a lot more
other vehicles cars, motorbikes, buses, etc.
cyclist person who rides a bike
rest all other parts
completely unprotected not safe
stand up well can withstand
collisions getting hit, accidents
added to this also
driving conditions the quality of roads, driving
bike lanes side lanes for bicycles
respect be considerate of
right of way the car/person who should go first when driving
contribute add to
overconfident arrogant
keep up with maintain the same speeds
pass motorised vehicles go around cars
nonetheless regardless
marginally increased risks slightly higher danger
outweigh stronger than
clean form environmentally-friendly way
burn any fossil fuels use oil/gas
require intensive industrial production methods need a lot of machinery to make
manufacturing the process of making something
forward-looking looking to the future
environmentally-conscious caring about the environment
encourage support
bike-sharing schemes the option to have communal bikes
cardiovascular exercise good for your heart
increasingly sedentary more and more sitting around
advances in consumer technology more sophisticated phones, devices
average person normal person
get in do
daily exercise efficiently exercising without using much time
way to work while going to work
increase the odds a better chance
serious injury hurt a lot
exceptions cases where this is not true
dwarfed a lot less than
prerogatives should be considered more important
enact laws pass regulations
flourish do really well
ˈteɪkɪŋ ədˈvɑːntɪʤ ɒv
ˈpraɪməri miːnz
aɪ æm ˈlɑːʤli ɪn əˈgriːmənt wɪð
dɪsˈpaɪt pəʊˈtɛnʃəl ˈseɪfti kənˈsɜːnz
ˈkrɪtɪks ˈɒf(ə)n pɔɪnt aʊt
beɪst ɒn ˈnjuːmərəs ˈstʌdiz
ˈsɪərɪəs ˈɪnʤəri reɪts
kənˈsɪdərəbli ˈhaɪə
ˈʌðə ˈviːɪklz
kəmˈpliːtli ˌʌnprəˈtɛktɪd
stænd ʌp wɛl
ˈædɪd tuː ðɪs
ˈdraɪvɪŋ kənˈdɪʃənz
baɪk leɪnz
raɪt ɒv weɪ
kiːp ʌp wɪð
pɑːs ˈməʊtəˌraɪzd ˈviːɪklz
ˈmɑːʤɪnəli ɪnˈkriːst rɪsks
kliːn fɔːm
bɜːn ˈɛni ˈfɒsl fjʊəlz
rɪˈkwaɪər ɪnˈtɛnsɪv ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl prəˈdʌkʃən ˈmɛθədz
baɪk leɪnz
baɪk-ˈʃeərɪŋ skiːmz
ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlər ˈɛksəsaɪz
ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈsɛdntəri
ədˈvɑːnsɪz ɪn kənˈsjuːmə tɛkˈnɒləʤi
ˈævərɪʤ ˈpɜːsn
gɛt ɪn
ˈdeɪli ˈɛksəsaɪz ɪˈfɪʃəntli
weɪ tuː wɜːk
ˈɪnkriːs ði ɒdz
ˈsɪərɪəs ˈɪnʤəri
ɪˈnækt lɔːz
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
Many people today are t________________________f the environmental and health benefits of using bicycles as a p___________________s of transportation. I_______________________________h this p_________e, d_________________________________s.
C__________________________t that cycling can be dangerous. This c________________n is b_________________________s showing the f____________y and s____________________s for accidents involving bicycles are c_____________________r than for most o__________________s. Even if a c________t is wearing a helmet, the r____t of their body is c_________________________d and bikes themselves do not s______________l to c_____________s. A_____________s are the d_________________s in most major cities, where there might not be b_____________s or cars and motorbikes may not r___________t cyclists’ r_____________y. The cyclists themselves c___________e to the danger if they are o_______________t and try to k_________________h or p_____________________s.
N______________s, the m__________________________s involved in cycling do not o______________h its environmental and health benefit. Bikes are a modern, c_______________m of transportation because they do not b_____________________s or r____________________________________________s for their m__________________g. This is the main reason many f__________________g, e_____________________________s cities now e____________e biking to work with b_____________s and b____________________s. The second advantage is health. Cycling is great c_____________________e at a time when lifestyles are becoming i______________________y due to a_______________________________y. Riding a bicycle allows the a__________________n to g______n their d____________________y on their w_________________k.
In conclusion, bikes may i____________________s of s___________________y, but these e_____________s are d____________d by health and environmental p_______________s. Cities should therefore e____________s to help cycling f___________h.
Listening Practice
Learn more about bikes here and use these activities to practice:
Reading Practice
Read more and use these ideas to practice reading the news:
Speaking Practice
Practice with these speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:
- How can people improve their physical health?
- What about their mental health?
- In what ways can teachers encourage students to do sports?
- What is the role of doctors in raising health awareness?
- Can social media also play a role?
Writing Practice
Write about the related topic below and then check with my sample answer:
When cars and cyclists use the same roads, there are often problems.
Why is this the case?
What are the solutions?
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