This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of information technology from the real IELTS recent exam.
IELTS Essay: Information Technology
Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure and work activities.
To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages?
Some today would argue that the revolution in information technology has a pernicious impact generally. In my opinion, the drawbacks related to social interaction do not outweigh the positive possibilities now available to the average person.
The legitimately worrying disadvantages to information technology concern interpersonal relationships. In the past, social interactions in person were more common. Today, a majority of conversations take place through messaging apps and on social media. The short-term result is that communication skills are in decline. The longer-term implications will create wider social trends. As people interact and form groups online they are more prone to groupthink and radicalization. What would normally be mitigated by one’s circle of friends and families, can now grow unabated in the virtual sphere with possible negative results for all of society.
The main advantages of the current age are increases in what is possible. These possibilities are most basically conveniences. Users can save time by taking advantage of their phones to send emails, make calls, organize their day and undertake a variety of other tasks. As technology evolves, it has even become more common for employees to work remotely and therefore conserve time and energy commuting to and from the office. Beyond these simple comforts, people are able to accomplish more with digital devices. This includes the ability to write with word processors, edit video on various applications, and then post and interact with a global audience through the internet and sites such as YouTube.
In conclusion, despite the threat of a less socially active world, there are justifying benefits concerning human potentiality. Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and managed carefully.
1. Some today would argue that the revolution in information technology has a pernicious impact generally. 2. In my opinion, the drawbacks related to social interaction do not outweigh the positive possibilities now available to the average person.
1. The legitimately worrying disadvantages to information technology concern interpersonal relationships. 2. In the past, social interactions in person were more common. 3. Today, a majority of conversations take place through messaging apps and on social media. 4. The short-term result is that communication skills are in decline. 5. The longer-term implications will create wider social trends. 6. As people interact and form groups online they are more prone to groupthink and radicalization. 7. What would normally be mitigated by one’s circle of friends and families, can now grow unabated in the virtual sphere with possible negative results for all of society.
1. The main advantages of the current age are increases in what is possible. 2. These possibilities are most basically conveniences. 3. Users can save time by taking advantage of their phones to send emails, make calls, organize their day and undertake a variety of other tasks. 4. As technology evolves, it has even become more common for employees to work remotely and therefore conserve time and energy commuting to and from the office. 5. Beyond these simple comforts, people are able to accomplish more with digital devices. 6. This includes the ability to write with word processors, edit video on various applications, and then post and interact with a global audience through the internet and sites such as YouTube.
1. In conclusion, despite the threat of a less socially active world, there are justifying benefits concerning human potentiality. 2. Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and managed carefully.
Some today would argue that the revolution in information technology has a pernicious impact generally. In my opinion, the drawbacks related to social interaction do not outweigh the positive possibilities now available to the average person.
The legitimately worrying disadvantages to information technology concern interpersonal relationships. In the past, social interactions in person were more common. Today, a majority of conversations take place through messaging apps and on social media. The short-term result is that communication skills are in decline. The longer-term implications will create wider social trends. As people interact and form groups online they are more prone to groupthink and radicalization. What would normally be mitigated by one’s circle of friends and families, can now grow unabated in the virtual sphere with possible negative results for all of society.
The main advantages of the current age are increases in what is possible. These possibilities are most basically conveniences. Users can save time by taking advantage of their phones to send emails, make calls, organize their day and undertake a variety of other tasks. As technology evolves, it has even become more common for employees to work remotely and therefore conserve time and energy commuting to and from the office. Beyond these simple comforts, people are able to accomplish more with digital devices. This includes the ability to write with word processors, edit video on various applications, and then post and interact with a global audience through the internet and sites such as YouTube.
In conclusion, despite the threat of a less socially active world, there are justifying benefits concerning human potentiality. Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and managed carefully.
argue claim
revolution big change
information technology internet, computers, etc.
pernicious impact bad effect
generally overall
drawbacks downsides
related to concerning
social interaction people talking
outweigh stronger than
positive possibilities good opportunities
available can happen
legitimately worrying disadvantages real dangerous downsides
concern interpersonal relationships have to do with people interacting
common happens a lot
majority most of
take place happen
messaging apps Facebook messenger, ios messenger, etc.
social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
short-term result not that far in the future
communication skills talking to people
in decline getting worse
longer-term implications in the future ramifications
wider social trends patterns for all of society
form groups online become part of online communities
more prone to groupthink more likely to think the same as others
radicalization becoming extreme
normally in most cases
mitigated weakened
circle of friends people around you
grow unabated increase with no limits
virtual sphere online world
possible potential
results effects
current age nowadays
possibilities potential chances
most basically conveniences essentially make life easier
users people using services
taking advantage of exploiting
organize order
undertake do
variety different kinds
tasks objectives
evolves changes
work remotely work from home
therefore thus
conserve maintain
commuting traveling to work or school
beyond these simple comforts past these conveniences
accomplish get done
digital devices phones, computers, etc.
includes concerns
word processors MS word, Google docs, etc.
edit video work with video files
various different kinds of
post put online
interact with talk with
global audience the whole world
despite regardless of
threat risk
less socially active world people communicating less and less
justifying makes sense
concerning having to do with
potentiality possibilities
managed carefully watched with care
ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən tɛkˈnɒləʤi
pɜːˈnɪʃəs ˈɪmpækt
rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː
ˈsəʊʃəl ˌɪntərˈækʃən
ˈpɒzətɪv ˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪtiz
lɪˈʤɪtɪmɪtli ˈwʌriɪŋ ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪʤɪz
kənˈsɜːn ˌɪntəˈpɜːsən(ə)l rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps
teɪk pleɪs
ˈmɛsɪʤɪŋ æps
ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə
ʃɔːt-tɜːm rɪˈzʌlt
kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən skɪlz
ɪn dɪˈklaɪn
ˈlɒŋgə-tɜːm ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃənz
ˈwaɪdə ˈsəʊʃəl trɛndz
fɔːm gruːps ˈɒnˌlaɪn
mɔː prəʊn tuː gruːpθɪŋk
ˈsɜːkl ɒv frɛndz
grəʊ ˌʌnəˈbeɪtɪd
ˈvɜːtjʊəl sfɪə
ˈkʌrənt eɪʤ
məʊst ˈbeɪsɪkəli kənˈviːniənsɪz
ˈteɪkɪŋ ədˈvɑːntɪʤ ɒv
wɜːk rɪˈməʊtli
bɪˈjɒnd ðiːz ˈsɪmpl ˈkʌmfəts
ˈdɪʤɪtl dɪˈvaɪsɪz
wɜːd ˈprəʊsɛsəz
ˈɛdɪt ˈvɪdɪəʊ
ˌɪntərˈækt wɪð
ˈgləʊbəl ˈɔːdiəns
lɛs ˈsəʊʃəli ˈæktɪv wɜːld
ˈmænɪʤd ˈkeəfli
Vocabulary Practice
Some today would a______e that the r____________n in i_____________________y has a p_______________________________y. In my opinion, the d______________s r____________o s________________________n do not o________________h the p_____________________s now a_____________e to the average person.
The l_____________________________________s to information technology c__________n i______________________________s. In the past, social interactions in person were more c______n. Today, a m__________y of conversations t__________e through m____________________s and on s_______________a. The s___________________t is that c________________________s are i____________e. The l________________________s will create w__________________s. As people interact and f______________________e they are m________________o g_______________k and r________________n. What would n____________y be m_____________d by one’s c_________________s and families, can now g____________________d in the v_________________e with p______________e negative r__________s for all of society.
The main advantages of the c_________________e are increases in what is possible. These p______________s are m_______________________________s. U______s can save time by t_________________________f their phones to send emails, make calls, o____________e their day and u___________e a v_______y of other t_______s. As technology e__________s, it has even become more common for employees to w________________y and t___________e c__________e time and energy c__________g to and from the office. B_______________________________s, people are able to a_____________h more with d_______________s. This i__________s the ability to write with w____________________s, e_____________o on v__________s applications, and then p____t and i________________h a g____________e through the internet and sites such as YouTube.
In conclusion, d_________e the t________t of a l__________________________d, there are j___________g benefits c____________g human p_____________y. Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and m_____________________y.
Listening Practice
Reading Practice
Speaking Practice
- Do you use a computer?
- Is it important to have a fast computer?
- What applications do you use the most?
- Is it possible to live today without a computer?
Writing Practice
More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes to get their news and instead read online.
Is this a positive or negative development?
This is usefull
Thanks, Taimoor!
Please give feedback-
Many people today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out.
What are the causes?
What are the solutions?
It is incredibly common for people to feel unsafe all the time, whether they are at home or out. This essay will explore the various reasons behind this troubling phenomenon and suggest measures to tackle it.
To begin with, it seems that the primary reason people have a sense of insecurity is the increase in crime rates. Due to an exponential increase in criminal activities, people may perceive that something wrong can happen to them as well. For instance, petty crimes such as thefts, burglaries, or pick-pocketing are typical nowadays. Besides, fraudulent online activities are also an alarming concern. Although the advent of the internet is a boon, its downsides cannot be ignored. Phishing, identity theft, and cyber hacking are some salient examples that bring about cautiousness in people with their online work.
Furthermore, technological advancement and globalization have played a huge role in sensitizing people to all kinds of news, be it local or international. People can access foreign news by sitting in their homes, and thus, get worried about what is happening miles away. Because of television and smartphones, people have started to think that whatever henious events are occurring at a distance may occur either to them or in their surroundings. These circumstances, therefore, are engendering fear among people.
Turning to the possible remedies, the main step has to be taken by governments. They must increase policing to ensure every neighbourhood is patrolled in order to catch any potential law-breakers. Since there will be more police forces, people may feel more secure. Another solution is to use modern technology. People can install Wi-Fi enabled CCTV surveillance in their homes. Hence, they can constantly keep an eye on their properties. Also, parents can install an anti-virus program to keep hacking at bay. Lastly, people should avoid traveling alone or late at night. If they have to do so, they must ensure no stranger is following them. Also, individuals can carry safety devices, namely pepper spray or whistles, to protect themselves from getting attacked.
To conclude, despite the fact that crime rates have increased significantly and the global broadcast of the news is causing people to become insecure, the aforementioned measures, such as augmenting the number of police personnel, surveillance devices, and taking general precautions, can ensure the safety of the citizenry.
It’s too long – how long did it take to write it?
Other than that the examples are great and really detailed.
Try to reduce the number of linking words that you are using.
It took 45 minutes. Thanks Dave for feedback.
No problem, Rosy!
Most valuable page
Thanks, Roshani!