This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of robots helping at home and work from the real IELTS exam.

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IELTS Essay: Robots Helping at Home and Work

Today different types of robots are being developed which can serve as companions and workers to help at work and at home.

Is this a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, the robotics industry is beginning to penetrate both home and work environments. In my opinion, advances in robotics generally and artificial intelligence more specifically have their merits but are isolating.

Proponents of these innovations point to the eradication of inefficiencies. This applies to both workplaces and homes. At work, there are a range of responsibilities being carried out by humans that could be done by robots ranging from the transportation of goods and photocopying to slightly more robust tasks such as data input and security. As artificial intelligence becomes more self-sufficient it is likely that companies will be able to increase efficiency and humans can prioritise the areas where they most excel. In homes, the situation is similar as robots may be able to take over chores such as washing the dishing and cleaning, freeing up individuals to focus on more pleasurable pastimes.

Nonetheless, the growth of a robotics industry exacerbates a modern trend towards isolation. People today are seemingly more connected than ever before thanks to the internet and social media, however, real world connection is on the decline. The workplace and home are two of the last remaining spaces to build meaningful, interpersonal relationships. A rise in the number of robots, as is the case in Japan where it is now possible to purchase a robot companion, will lead to a concomitant decrease in human relations. It seems unlikely that people would completely stop talking to each other but the pervasiveness of online life can serve as a warning that humanity is only too willing to subsist on one-way, inauthentic relationships.

In conclusion, despite the benefits robots bring for productivity, their isolating effect will make them a negative on level. Individuals must therefore strive to maintain strong human relationships.


1. Nowadays, the robotics industry is beginning to penetrate both home and work environments. 2. In my opinion, advances in robotics generally and artificial intelligence more specifically have their merits but are isolating.

  1. Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  2. Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.

1. Proponents of these innovations point to the eradication of inefficiencies. This applies to both workplaces and homes. 2. At work, there are a range of responsibilities being carried out by humans that could be done by robots ranging from the transportation of goods and photocopying to slightly more robust tasks such as data input and security. 3. As artificial intelligence becomes more self-sufficient it is likely that companies will be able to increase efficiency and humans can prioritise the areas where they most excel. 4. In homes, the situation is similar as robots may be able to take over chores such as washing the dishing and cleaning, freeing up individuals to focus on more pleasurable pastimes.

  1. Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  2. Explain your main idea.
  3. Develop it with specific examples.
  4. Keep developing it fully.

1. Nonetheless, the growth of a robotics industry exacerbates a modern trend towards isolation. 2. People today are seemingly more connected than ever before thanks to the internet and social media, however, real world connection is on the decline. 3. The workplace and home are two of the last remaining spaces to build meaningful, interpersonal relationships. 4. A rise in the number of robots, as is the case in Japan where it is now possible to purchase a robot companion, will lead to a concomitant decrease in human relations. 5. It seems unlikely that people would completely stop talking to each other but the pervasiveness of online life can serve as a warning that humanity is only too willing to subsist on one-way, inauthentic relationships.

  1. Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  2. Explain your new main idea.
  3. Include specific details and examples.
  4. Continue developing it…
  5. as fully as possible!

1. In conclusion, despite the benefits robots bring for productivity, their isolating effect will make them a negative on level. 2. Individuals must therefore strive to maintain strong human relationships.

  1. Summarise your main ideas.
  2. Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.


What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Nowadays, the robotics industry is beginning to penetrate both home and work environments. In my opinion, advances in robotics generally and artificial intelligence more specifically have their merits but are isolating.

Proponents of these innovations point to the eradication of inefficiencies. This applies to both workplaces and homes. At work, there are a range of responsibilities being carried out by humans that could be done by robots ranging from the transportation of goods and photocopying to slightly more robust tasks such as data input and security. As artificial intelligence becomes more self-sufficient it is likely that companies will be able to increase efficiency and humans can prioritise the areas where they most excel. In homes, the situation is similar as robots may be able to take over chores such as washing the dishing and cleaning, freeing up individuals to focus on more pleasurable pastimes.

Nonetheless, the growth of a robotics industry exacerbates a modern trend towards isolation. People today are seemingly more connected than ever before thanks to the internet and social media, however, real world connection is on the decline. The workplace and home are two of the last remaining spaces to build meaningful, interpersonal relationships. A rise in the number of robots, as is the case in Japan where it is now possible to purchase a robot companion, will lead to a concomitant decrease in human relations. It seems unlikely that people would completely stop talking to each other but the pervasiveness of online life can serve as a warning that humanity is only too willing to subsist on one-way, inauthentic relationships.

In conclusion, despite the benefits robots bring for productivity, their isolating effect will make them a negative on level. Individuals must therefore strive to maintain strong human relationships.


robotics industry companies working in making robots

penetrate enter the markets, spread into

work environments offices, factories, etc.

advances innovations

generally overall

artificial intelligence smart computers/robots

merits benefits

isolating staying all alone

proponents supporters

innovations advances

eradication getting rid of

inefficiencies not making good use of resources

range of responsibilities many different duties

carried out doing them

ranging from including

photocopying making copies of papers

slightly more robust tasks a little more complex duties

data input putting numbers into a computer

security protecting a place

self-sufficient can work on their own

efficiency not wasting resources

prioritise consider more important

most excel do their best work

situation context

take over replace

chores cleaning up at home

freeing up allowing for

focus on concentrate on

pleasurable pastimes hobbies

exacerbates makes it worse

modern trend pattern these days

towards in the direction of

isolation alone

seemingly ostensible

connected brought together

thanks to due to

real world connection talking in real life

on the decline getting worse

last remaining spaces final areas

build strengthen

interpersonal between people

as is the case in for example

now possible happens at the moment

concomitant related

human relations people together, bonds between people

pervasiveness common

can serve as a warning is a possible sign that this will happen

only too willing to too happy to settle to do this

subsist make do with

one-way not real interaction

inauthentic not real

isolating effect making people stay alone

on level in general

strive try for

maintain keep up


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search:

rəʊˈbɒtɪks ˈɪndəstri 
wɜːk ɪnˈvaɪərənmənts
ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l ɪnˈtɛlɪʤəns 
reɪnʤ ɒv rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪtiz 
ˈkærid aʊt 
ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm 
ˈslaɪtli mɔː rəʊˈbʌst tɑːsks 
ˈdeɪtə ˈɪnpʊt 
məʊst ɪkˈsɛl
teɪk ˈəʊvə 
ˈfriːɪŋ ʌp 
ˈfəʊkəs ɒn 
ˈplɛʒərəbl ˈpɑːstaɪmz
ˈmɒdən trɛnd 
θæŋks tuː 
rɪəl wɜːld kəˈnɛkʃən 
ɒn ðə dɪˈklaɪn
lɑːst rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ ˈspeɪsɪz 
æz ɪz ðə keɪs ɪn 
naʊ ˈpɒsəbl 
ˈhjuːmən rɪˈleɪʃənz
kæn sɜːv æz ə ˈwɔːnɪŋ 
ˈəʊnli tuː ˈwɪlɪŋ tuː 
ɪn ɔːˈθɛntɪk 
ˈaɪsəleɪtɪŋ ɪˈfɛkt 
ɒn ˈlɛvl

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Nowadays, the r__________________y is beginning to p___________e both home and w____________________s. In my opinion, a___________s in robotics g_____________y and a_______________________e more specifically have their m_______s but are i___________g.

P______________s of these i_______________s point to the e______________n of i_________________s. This applies to both workplaces and homes. At work, there are a r_________________________s being c_______________t by humans that could be done by robots r______________m the transportation of goods and p______________g to s_____________________________s such as d____________t and s__________y. As artificial intelligence becomes more s______________t it is likely that companies will be able to increase e___________y and humans can p____________e the areas where they m__________l. In homes, the s__________n is similar as robots may be able to t___________r c_______s such as washing the dishing and cleaning, f_____________p individuals to f__________n more p______________________s.

Nonetheless, the growth of a robotics industry e_____________s a m___________________________n. People today are s_____________y more c__________d than ever before t_____________o the internet and social media, however, r_________________________n is o_______________e. The workplace and home are two of the l______________________s to b_______d meaningful, i____________________l relationships. A rise in the number of robots, a______________________n Japan where it is n_____________________e to purchase a robot companion, will lead to a c_______________t decrease in h____________________s. It seems unlikely that people would completely stop talking to each other but the p_________________s of online life c_____________________g that humanity is o_________________________t on o______________y, i_____________c relationships.

In conclusion, despite the benefits robots bring for productivity, their i________________t will make them a negative o____________l. Individuals must therefore s_________e to m___________n strong human relationships.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities:

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice:

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:


  1. Do you talk about yourself to your friends?
  2. Do you like to listen or talk with your friends?
  3. Do you often change your mind about your friends?
  4. Is it important to have friends?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Machines are taking over more and more jobs previously done by humans.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

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