This is an IELTS writing task 1 sample answer essay on the topic of the evolution of the horse and its hoof.
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IELTS Essay Task 1: Horse Diagram
The diagram delineates the development of prehistoric and modern horses with special emphasis on the formation of the feet. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that as horses became larger in size, their feet elongated and broadened until they fused to become a distinctive hoof.
The prehistoric horse from 40 million years ago was termed an Eohippus and is distinguishable by its smaller body and paw containing 4 thin phalanges. The next stage of evolution (30 million years ago) resulted in the Mesohippis, which had a larger body more similar to today’s horse and three distinct digits, the middle one being bulkier and slightly longer.
By 15 million years ago, the Merychippus had emerged, recognizable by a still larger body and the increased size of the middle digit. This leads directly to the modern day horse which is the largest in size, has a full mane, and the separate digits had by this time merged into a single hoof capable of supporting a larger frame.
1. The diagram delineates the development of prehistoric and modern horses with special emphasis on the formation of the feet. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that as horses became larger in size, their feet elongated and broadened until they fused to become a distinctive hoof.
- Paraphrase what the map or floorplan shows.
- Write a clear overview summarising the major trends and differences.
1. The prehistoric horse from 40 million years ago was termed an Eohippus and is distinguishable by its smaller body and paw containing 4 thin phalanges. 2. The next stage of evolution (30 million years ago) resulted in the Mesohippis, which had a larger body more similar to today’s horse and three distinct digits, the middle one being bulkier and slightly longer.
- Begin writing about the changes.
- Compare as much as possible.
1. By 15 million years ago, the Merychippus had emerged, recognizable by a still larger body and the increased size of the middle digit. 2. This leads directly to the modern day horse which is the largest in size, has a full mane, and the separate digits had by this time merged into a single hoof capable of supporting a larger frame.
- Write about the rest of the changes for the last two evolutionary stages of the modern horse.
- Make sure you have detailed all the changes.
What do the words in bold below mean? Take some notes on a piece of paper to aid your memory:
The diagram delineates the development of prehistoric and modern horses with special emphasis on the formation of the feet. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that as horses became larger in size, their feet elongated and broadened until they fused to become a distinctive hoof.
The prehistoric horse from 40 million years ago was termed an Eohippus and is distinguishable by its smaller body and paw containing 4 thin phalanges. The next stage of evolution (30 million years ago) resulted in the Mesohippis, which had a larger body more similar to today’s horse and three distinct digits, the middle one being bulkier and slightly longer.
By 15 million years ago, the Merychippus had emerged, recognizable by a still larger body and the increased size of the middle digit. This leads directly to the modern day horse which is the largest in size, has a full mane, and the separate digits had by this time merged into a single hoof capable of supporting a larger frame.
delineates describes
prehistoric before recorded history
special emphasis extra focus
formation of the feet putting together of the hooves
looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall
elongated lengthened
broadened made wider
fused come together
distinctive hoof unique foot
termed called
distinguishable distinctive
paw foot
phalanges fingers
evolution changes over time
resulted in caused
more similar to close to
three distinct digits clearly different digits
bulkier larger
slightly a little more
emerged coming out
recognizable distinctive
still larger body much bigger frame
leads directly flows into
full mane hair on its neck
merged comes together
capable of can do
larger frame bigger body
ˈspɛʃəl ˈɛmfəsɪs
fɔːˈmeɪʃən ɒv ðə fiːt
ˈlʊkɪŋ frɒm ən ˈəʊvərɔːl pəˈspɛktɪv, ɪt ɪz ˈrɛdɪli əˈpærənt ðæt
dɪsˈtɪŋktɪv huːf
rɪˈzʌltɪd ɪn
mɔː ˈsɪmɪlə tuː
θriː dɪsˈtɪŋkt ˈdɪʤɪts
stɪl ˈlɑːʤə ˈbɒdi
liːdz dɪˈrɛktli
fʊl meɪn
ˈkeɪpəbl ɒv
ˈlɑːʤə freɪm
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
The diagram d_____________s the development of p____________c and modern horses with s_______________s on the f_________________t. L_________________________________t as horses became larger in size, their feet e_____________d and b____________d until they f________d to become a d_______________f.
The prehistoric horse from 40 million years ago was t________d an Eohippus and is d___________________e by its smaller body and p___w containing 4 thin p______________s. The next stage of e___________n (30 million years ago) r_____________n the Mesohippis, which had a larger body m_______________o today’s horse and t__________________s, the middle one being b___________r and s___________y longer.
By 15 million years ago, the Merychippus had e________d, r______________e by a s___________________y and the increased size of the middle digit. This l_______________y to the modern day horse which is the largest in size, has a f_____________e, and the separate digits had by this time m_______d into a single hoof c______________f supporting a l_______________e.
Listening Practice
Listen to the related topic below and practice with these activities:
Reading Practice
Read more and use these ideas to practice:
Speaking Practice
Practice with the following related questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:
- Have you ever seen a wild animal?
- What is your favourite wild animal?
- How do you feel when you see animals at the zoo?
- What is the importance of animals to children?
Writing Practice
Practice with the related map below and then check with my sample answer: