This is an IELTS writing task 1 sample answer essay showing the process by which carbonated drinks are made (also called a diagram essay).
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IELTS Essay Task 1: Carbonated Drinks

The diagram details the process by which carbonated drinks are produced. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that this 5 stage man-made process is comprised of the filtering of raw water and addition of carbon dioxide in the early steps, mixing with additional ingredients in the middle, and finally packaging it off to be sold.
At the beginning, raw water is cleaned by passing through a filter before water softener and chemicals are added. The clean water is then pumped into a heater and is eventually sent through a cooling pipe to the pivotal stage where carbon dioxide is introduced to create the carbonated effect.
From there, the carbonated water is mixed with colouring, syrup and flavours and filtered again prior to bottling and canning. The finished drinks are then boxed up and sent to supermarkets for retail.
1. The diagram details the process by which carbonated drinks are produced. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that this 5 stage man-made process is comprised of the filtering of raw water and addition of carbon dioxide in the early steps, mixing with additional ingredients in the middle, and finally packaging it off to be sold.
- Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
- Write a general overview for the process. Read more about general overviews here.
1. At the beginning, raw water is cleaned by passing through a filter before water softener and chemicals are added. 2. The clean water is then pumped into a heater and is eventually sent through a cooling pipe to the pivotal stage where carbon dioxide is introduced to create the carbonated effect.
- Begin with the early stages of the process.
- Detail all the stages and paraphrase as much vocabulary as possible.
1. From there, the carbonated water is mixed with colouring, syrup and flavours and filtered again prior to bottling and canning. 2. The finished drinks are then boxed up and sent to supermarkets for retail.
- Continue descriping the process – do not include any opinion.
- Finish with the last stage of the process.
What do the words in bold below mean?
The diagram details the process by which carbonated drinks are produced. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that this 5 stage man-made process is comprised of the filtering of raw water and addition of carbon dioxide in the early steps, mixing with additional ingredients in the middle, and finally packaging it off to be sold.
At the beginning, raw water is cleaned by passing through a filter before water softener and chemicals are added. The clean water is then pumped into a heater and is eventually sent through a cooling pipe to the pivotal stage where carbon dioxide is introduced to create the carbonated effect.
From there, the carbonated water is mixed with colouring, syrup and flavours and filtered again prior to bottling and canning. The finished drinks are then boxed up and sent to supermarkets for retail.
details illustrates
by which through which, this is how, showing
carbonated drinks fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola
looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that in general
man-made not natural
is comprised of made up of
filtering of raw water cleaning of natural water
mixing combining
ingredients what goes into it – sugar, etc.
packaging it off sending it out
passing through going through
pumped sent
heater makes it hot
eventually finally
cooling pipe metal cylinder keeping it cool
pivotal stage crucial step
carbon dioxide CO2
introduced added in
carbonated effect bubbles, fizzy
colouring giving it color
syrup sugar
flavours how it tastes
prior to bottling before it is put in bottles
canning putting it in cans
finished drinks completed product
boxed up put in boxes
retail sale
baɪ wɪʧ
ˈkɑːbənɪtɪd drɪŋks
ˈlʊkɪŋ frɒm ən ˈəʊvərɔːl pəˈspɛktɪv, ɪt ɪz ˈrɛdɪli əˈpærənt ðæt
ɪz kəmˈpraɪzd ɒv
ˈfɪltərɪŋ ɒv rɔː ˈwɔːtə
ˈpækɪʤɪŋ ɪt ɒf
ˈpɑːsɪŋ θruː
ˈkuːlɪŋ paɪp
ˈpɪvətl steɪʤ
ˈkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd
ˈkɑːbənɪtɪd ɪˈfɛkt
ˈpraɪə tuː ˈbɒtlɪŋ
ˈfɪnɪʃt drɪŋks
bɒkst ʌp
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
The diagram d__________s the process b__________h c___________________s are produced. L_______________________________________________________t this 5 stage m___________e process i____________________f the f_______________________r and addition of carbon dioxide in the early steps, m________g with additional i__________________s in the middle, and finally p________________________f to be sold.
At the beginning, raw water is cleaned by p___________________h a filter before water softener and chemicals are added. The clean water is then p_______________d into a h______________r and is e_______________y sent through a c______________e to the p______________e where c_________________e is i______________d to create the c________________t.
From there, the carbonated water is mixed with c____________g, s_________p and f________________s and filtered again p_________________g and c____________g. The f__________________s are then b__________p and sent to supermarkets for r________l.
Listening Practice
Watch the process below:
Reading Practice
Learn below about some health carbonated drinks:
Speaking Practice
Answer the following related questions from the IELTS speaking exam:
Coffee or Tea
- Do you drink coffee or tea?
- When did you last drink coffee or tea?
- Is coffee or tea more popular in your country?
- Which would you offer to visitors who came to your home?
Writing Practice
Write about the following related topic and then check with my sample answer below:

Hi could someone help me evaluate.
The diagram shows the process of producing carbonated drinks.
Overall, producing of carbonated drinks consist of 5 stages, which are water cleaning, heating evaporation and carbonation, mixing, filtering and filling and packaging.
First of all, raw water is filtered and cleaned by adding water softener and chemicals, then it will go through a pump to stage 2. In stage 2, water are evaporated by electric heaters, and sent through a cooling pipe for the reaction, carbonation, by carbon dioxide to produce carbonated water. Once done, carbonated water will pass a pipe flow to mixing tank, where the flavouring done, so at this stage colouring, syrup and flavour will be added.
From there, the carbonated water goes through a filter again and be filling into either bottles or cans. Finally, the cans and bottles are boxed up separately and sent to supermarket by truck for retail.