This is an IELTS writing task 1 sample answer essay of a diagram/process showing how rainwater is collected and used for drinking water in an Australian town.
This one was really challenging for a strange reason… there wasn’t enough to write about!
I had to add in more words just so that it made the word count!
Read it below in case you get a simple process on your exam.
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IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer Essay: Rainwater Diagram/Process
The above diagram details the process by which precipitation is stored and sent for household use in a given town in Australia. Overall, there are 3 main stages that involve the collection of water through drains, its repeated transportation and treatment underground and finally reuse as drinking water in homes.
Rainwater distribution begins with collection through gutters and drains attached to houses. The water seeping into the ground is not collected according to the diagram. The drain water is carried through a system of pipes into a water filter and then a storage tank.
From the storage tank, it next flows by more piping to a water treatment tank where a chemical process makes the water clean enough for residents to drink. After the water has been processed, it is sent through pipes, different from the drain water pipes that originally collected the water, back into homes to be used for drinking water.
1. The above diagram details the process by which precipitation is stored and sent for household use in a given town in Australia. 2. Overall, there are 3 main stages that involve the collection of water through drains, its repeated transportation and treatment underground and finally reuse as drinking water in homes.
- Paraphrase what the process shows.
- Give an overview of the process. Try to divide it into two or three main stages and summarise what happens.
1. Rainwater distribution begins with collection through gutters and drains attached to houses. 2. The water seeping into the ground is not collected according to the diagram. 3. The drain water is carried through a system of pipes into a water filter and then a storage tank.
- Begin descripting the process.
- I included this sentence because there wasn’t enough to write about otherwise. Do not include opinion or speculation.
- Use the passive when you continue the process since it is not being done by a specific person.
1. From the storage tank, it next flows by more piping to a water treatment tank where a chemical process makes the water clean enough for residents to drink. 2. After the water has been processed, it is sent through pipes, different from the drain water pipes that originally collected the water, back into homes to be used for drinking water.
- Continue with the rest of the process. I added in extra words to reach the word limit here.
- Conclude the diagram and state the end result.
What do the words in bold below mean?
The above diagram details the process by which precipitation is stored and sent for household use in a given town in Australia. Overall, there are 3 main stages that involve the collection of water through drains, its repeated transportation and treatment underground and finally reuse as drinking water in homes.
Rainwater distribution begins with collection through gutters and drains attached to houses. The water seeping into the ground is ignored according to the diagram. The drain water is carried through a system of pipes into a water filter and then a storage tank.
From the storage tank, it next flows by more piping to a water treatment tank where a chemical process makes the water clean enough for residents to drink. After the water has been processed, it is sent through pipes, different from the drain water pipes that originally gathered the water, back into homes to be used for drinking water.
above diagram details process shown describes
by which precipitation the way in which rain
stored kept
household use for homes/people to use
a given town in some town
main stages biggest parts
involve have to do with
collection gathering, storage
repeated transportation more than one time sent
treatment underground being filtered under the ground
reuse used again
drinking water water that is safe to drink
rainwater distribution water sent out
gutters on houses to channel rain into pipes
drains attached to houses pipes on the side of homes to collect water
seeping into falling into
ignored not paid attention to
drain water water coming from the drains
through a system of pipes by various metal pipes
water filter keeps out small and large debris
storage tank place for keeping the water
next flows then goes
water treatment tank place to make the water safe
chemical process physically altered
clean enough drinkable
residents people living there
processed treated
originally gathered first taken
back into homes to the houses again
Listen and repeat:
əˈbʌv ˈdaɪəgræm ˈdiːteɪlz
baɪ wɪʧ prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən
ˈhaʊshəʊld juːz
ə ˈgɪvn taʊn
meɪn ˈsteɪʤɪz
rɪˈpiːtɪd ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃən
ˈtriːtmənt ˈʌndəgraʊnd
ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ ˈwɔːtə
ˈreɪnˌwɔːtə ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən
dreɪnz əˈtæʧt tuː ˈhaʊzɪz
ˈsiːpɪŋ ˈɪntuː
dreɪn ˈwɔːtə
θruː ə ˈsɪstɪm ɒv paɪps
ˈwɔːtə ˈfɪltə
ˈstɔːrɪʤ tæŋk
nɛkst fləʊz
ˈwɔːtə ˈtriːtmənt tæŋk
ˈkɛmɪkəl ˈprəʊsɛs
kliːn ɪˈnʌf
əˈrɪʤɪnəli ˈgæðəd
bæk ˈɪntuː həʊmz
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
The a______________________s the process b______________________n is s_________d and sent for h_______________e in a_______________n in Australia. Overall, there are 3 m________________s that i_____________e the c______________n of water through drains, its r_________________n and t__________________________d and finally r____________e as d________________r in homes.
R_____________________n begins with collection through g____________s and d_______________________s. The water s________________o the ground is i________________d according to the diagram. The d__________________r is carried t______________________________s into a w____________r and then a s________________k.
From the storange tank, it n_________________s by more piping to a w_________________________k where a c___________________s makes the water c____________________h for r____________________s to drink. After the water has been p__________________d, it is sent through pipes, different from the drain water pipes that o_________________________d the water, b______________________s to be used for drinking water.
Listen and check:
Listening Practice
Learn more in detail about the process of filtering and treating water in this video:
Reading Practice
Read the facts here about how much water you should really drink a day:
Speaking Practice
Talk about the related topic of drinking coffee or tea from the real exam below:
Coffee or Tea
Do you drink coffee or tea?
When did you last drink coffee or tea?
Is coffee or tea more popular in your country?
Which would you offer to visitors who came to your home?
Real Past IELTS Exam
Writing Practice
Write about the following process of making ceramic pots and then check with my sample answer:
Hi Dave,
Can you help me to comment on my answer? And perhaps the band level too? Your help will be greatly appreciated!
The diagram illustrates the linear process of how rainwater is collected and treated for the purpose of producing drinking water in a town in Australia. There are total of 9 steps which can further be categorised into 3 main stages. These include water filtration and finally processing the filtered water before it can be safely consumed by the residents.
The process commences with rainwater being collected in the drain of every household, and water from those drains is eventually channeled via pipes into a common water filtration system where it will filter out harmful particles and pollutants from the collected water. At this point in the process, the filtered water is then transported to a large storage tank before being propelled to a separate water treatment facility. At the facility, it is mixed with various chemicals, resulting in the production of treated water safe for consumption, and the drinking water is subsequently transported to every household in town.
Hi Sarah!
It’s perfect! Are you going for band 9?
Hi Dave,
Wow, didn’t expect that! Thanks! I referred to your previous sample answer on oranges and tried to use some words here. Didn’t look at your sample answer for this as I wanted to test myself. I’m aiming for a band 8, at least, in all components. Any tips for a band 9?
For band 9, just look closely at the band descriptors to know exactly what to do.
That often comes down to how accurate you can be and if you can use a lot of really strong collocations.
Let me know your result when you get it!