This is an IELTS writing task 1 sample answer essay on the topic of high school and secondary teacher salaries from the real IELTS exam.

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IELTS Task 1: High School/Secondary School Teacher Salaries

The table in question details the salaries for secondary school teachers in 5 countries in 2009. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that teachers in Luxembourg generally earned the highest salaries though, similar to Korea and Japan, it required a long time to reach one’s maximum salary. In contrast, salaries in the other nations were comparable with Australia and Denmark requiring notably little time to top salaries.

In Luxembourg, the starting salary was $80,000 each year, considerably higher than Denmark ($47,000), and all other countries which were centered loosely around $30,000. The average salary per year displayed a similar pattern with Luxembourg by far the highest at $112,000 and the other nations grouped tightly around $50,000.

In terms of maximum salaries, Luxembourg is again the highest ($139,000) though in this category Korea was second ($84,500), followed by Japan ($62,400), Denmark ($54,000), and Australia ($48,000). The time required to earn those figures was longest in Korea, Japan, and Luxembourg at 37, 34, and 30 years, respectively. In comparison, teachers only needed to work 8 and 9 years in Denmark and Australia in turn to achieve their top salaries.


1. The table in question details the salaries for secondary school teachers in 5 countries in 2009. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that teachers in Luxembourg generally earned the highest salaries though, similar to Korea and Japan, it required a long time to reach one’s maximum salary. 3. In contrast, salaries in the other nations were comparable with Australia and Denmark requiring notably little time to top salaries.

  1. Paraphrase what the bar chart shows.
  2. Write a clear overview summarising the differences and the overall trend.
  3. This one is a little complex so it needs a second sentence for the overview.

1. In Luxembourg, the starting salary was $80,000 each year, considerably higher than Denmark ($47,000), and all other countries which were centered loosely around $30,000. 2. The average salary per year displayed a similar pattern with Luxembourg by far the highest at $112,000 and the other nations grouped tightly around $50,000.

  1. Begin writing about the data for the first categories.
  2. Compare between each sentence.

1. In terms of maximum salaries, Luxembourg is again the highest ($139,000) though in this category Korea was second ($84,500), followed by Japan ($62,400), Denmark ($54,000), and Australia ($48,000). 2. The time required to earn those figures was longest in Korea, Japan, and Luxembourg at 37, 34, and 30 years, respectively. 3. In comparison, teachers only needed to work 8 and 9 years in Denmark and Australia in turn to achieve their top salaries.

  1. Write about the final other parts of the graph – include everything!
  2. Include all the data.
  3. Mention any exceptions.


What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

The table in question details the salaries for secondary school teachers in 5 countries in 2009. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that teachers in Luxembourg generally earned the highest salaries though, similar to Korea and Japan, it required a long time to reach one’s maximum salary. In contrast, salaries in the other nations were comparable with Australia and Denmark requiring notably little time to top salaries.

In Luxembourg, the starting salary was $80,000 each year, considerably higher than Denmark ($47,000), and all other countries which were centered loosely around $30,000. The average salary per year displayed a similar pattern with Luxembourg by far the highest at $112,000 and the other nations grouped tightly around $50,000.

In terms of maximum salaries, Luxembourg is again the highest ($139,000) though in this category Korea was second ($84,500), followed by Japan ($62,400), Denmark ($54,000), and Australia ($48,000). The time required to earn those figures was longest in Korea, Japan, and Luxembourg at 37, 34, and 30 years, respectively. In comparison, teachers only needed to work 8 and 9 years in Denmark and Australia in turn to achieve their top salaries.


For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

in question details being discussed here shows

salaries amount earned

secondary school high school

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

earned money made

similar to comparable to

required needed

reach one’s maximum salary get to the most you can earn

In contrast however

comparable similar to

notably little time to top salaries noticeably not that long to max earning

the starting salary amount earned at first

considerably higher than much more than

centered loosely around grouped near to

The average salary per year displayed amount of money earned each year

similar pattern with almost the same trend

by far a lot more / less

grouped tightly around very close to

In terms of concerning

followed by after that

earn those figures make that money

respectively in turn

In comparison in contrast

in turn respectively

achieve earn/make


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search:

ɪn ˈkwɛsʧən ˈdiːteɪlz 
ˈsɛkᵊndri skuːl 
ˈlʊkɪŋ frɒm ən ˈəʊvərɔːl pəˈspɛktɪvɪt ɪz ˈrɛdɪli əˈpærᵊnt ðæt
ˈsɪmɪlə tuː 
riːʧ wʌnz ˈmæksɪməm ˈsæləri 
ɪn ˈkɒntrɑːst 
ˈnəʊtəbli ˈlɪtᵊl taɪm tuː tɒp ˈsæləriz 
ðə ˈstɑːtɪŋ ˈsæləri 
kənˈsɪdərəbᵊli ˈhaɪə ðæn 
ˈsɛntəd ˈluːsli əˈraʊnd 
ði ˈævᵊrɪʤ ˈsæləri pɜː jɪə dɪˈspleɪd 
ˈsɪmɪlə ˈpætᵊn wɪð 
baɪ fɑː 
ɡruːpt ˈtaɪtli əˈraʊnd 
ɪn tɜːmz ɒv 
ˈfɒləʊd baɪ 
ɜːn ðəʊz ˈfɪɡəz 
ɪn kəmˈpærɪsᵊn 
ɪn tɜːn 

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

The table i_________n d______s the s_______s for s____________l teachers in 5 countries in 2009. L_____________________________________________________________t teachers in Luxembourg generally e________d the highest salaries though, s_________o Korea and Japan, it r_______d a long time to r________________________________y. I__________t, salaries in the other nations were c__________e with Australia and Denmark requiring n__________________________s.

In Luxembourg, t__________________y was $80,000 each year, c_______________________n Denmark ($47,000), and all other countries which were c_________________d $30,000. T_____________________________________d a s_____________h Luxembourg b______r the highest at $112,000 and the other nations g________________d $50,000.

I_____________f maximum salaries, Luxembourg is again the highest ($139,000) though in this category Korea was second ($84,500), f____________y Japan ($62,400), Denmark ($54,000), and Australia ($48,000). The time required to e_______________s was longest in Korea, Japan, and Luxembourg at 37, 34, and 30 years, r____________y. I____________n, teachers only needed to work 8 and 9 years in Denmark and Australia i______n to a_________e their top salaries.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities:

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice:

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:


  1. Did you like your school when you were a child?
  2. What did you learn about?
  3. Did you have a favorite teacher?
  4. Are there many rules in schools in your country?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS chart below:

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