This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of children learning to farm and grow vegetables and keep animals.
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IELTS Essay: Children Farming
It is sometimes suggested that primary schoolchildren should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals.
Do you think that the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Some feel farming vegetables and taking care of animals should be added to the primary school curriculum. In my opinion, though there are drawbacks related to its feasibility, it would be a positive overall.
The disadvantages involve the struggles to implement this practice. Firstly, inner city schools do not have easy access to farms. A school in New York City already faced with rising student numbers and a lack of resources cannot be expected to bus thousands of students to nearby farmland on a regular basis. That would unequivocally be a poor allocation of limited resources. Secondly, even schools located in the countryside would have trouble enacting such an ambitious policy. They would need to connect with possibly reluctant local farms, convince teachers, parents, and students of the benefits, and divert funding towards a program with dubious 21st century value as society becomes increasingly urban and less agrarian.
Nonetheless, the skills learned would be transferrable and beneficial in themselves. Children learning to grow vegetables will be able to do that their entire lives and much more inclined to later tend a private garden. This can save money, encourage productivity, and improve health. Taking care of animals will also help them if they choose to keep livestock or pets. The greater benefit, however, will come from cultivation of personal qualities. Children will gain a greater sense of responsibility and internalise the real world effects of their negligence or dedication. Later in life regardless of their occupation and where they live, they will have increased self-reliance and a stronger recognition of how they can shape the world around them.
In conclusion, the personal benefits to raising animals and growing vegetables outweigh any perceived drawbacks concerning resources. Where possible, schools ought to enact these changes.
1. Some feel farming vegetables and taking care of animals should be added to the primary school curriculum. 2. In my opinion, though there are drawbacks related to its feasibility, it would be a positive overall.
- Paraphrase the essay topic.
- Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. The disadvantages involve the struggles to implement this practice. 2. Firstly, inner city schools do not have easy access to farms. 3. A school in New York City already faced with rising student numbers and a lack of resources cannot be expected to bus thousands of students to nearby farmland on a regular basis. 4. That would unequivocally be a poor allocation of limited resources. 5. Secondly, even schools located in the countryside would have trouble enacting such an ambitious policy. 6. They would need to connect with possibly reluctant local farms, convince teachers, parents, and students of the benefits, and divert funding towards a program with dubious 21st century value as society becomes increasingly urban and less agrarian.
- Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
- Begin your first main idea.
- Use a specific example to develop it.
- Conclude the main idea.
- Move to a second one because this questions asks for advantageS and disadvantageS, plural.
- Develop it fully.
1. Nonetheless, the skills learned would be transferrable and beneficial in themselves. 2. Children learning to grow vegetables will be able to do that their entire lives and much more inclined to later tend a private garden. 3. This can save money, encourage productivity, and improve health. 4. Taking care of animals will also help them if they choose to keep livestock or pets. 5. The greater benefit, however, will come from cultivation of personal qualities. 6. Children will gain a greater sense of responsibility and internalise the real world effects of their negligence or dedication. 7. Later in life regardless of their occupation and where they live, they will have increased self-reliance and a stronger recognition of how they can shape the world around them.
- Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
- Explain your main idea.
- Develop it fully.
- Make sure you address both vegetables and animals.
- Focus on a second advantage.
- Develop it.
- Finish developing it fully.
1. In conclusion, the personal benefits to raising animals and growing vegetables outweigh any perceived drawbacks concerning resources. 2. Where possible, schools ought to enact these changes.
- Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion.
- Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.
What do the words in bold below mean?
Some feel farming vegetables and taking care of animals should be added to the primary school curriculum. In my opinion, though there are drawbacks related to its feasibility, it would be a positive overall.
The disadvantages involve the struggles to implement this practice. Firstly, inner city schools do not have easy access to farms. A school in New York City already faced with rising student numbers and a lack of resources cannot be expected to bus thousands of students to nearby farmland on a regular basis. That would unequivocally be a poor allocation of limited resources. Secondly, even schools located in the countryside would have trouble enacting such an ambitious policy. They would need to connect with possibly reluctant local farms, convince teachers, parents, and students of the benefits, and divert funding towards a program with dubious 21st century value as society becomes increasingly urban and less agrarian.
Nonetheless, the skills learned would be transferrable and beneficial in themselves. Children learning to grow vegetables will be able to do that their entire lives and much more inclined to later tend a private garden. This can save money, encourage productivity, and improve health. Taking care of animals will also help them if they choose to keep livestock or pets. The greater benefit, however, will come from cultivation of personal qualities. Children will gain a greater sense of responsibility and internalise the real world effects of their negligence or dedication. Later in life regardless of their occupation and where they live, they will have increased self-reliance and a stronger recognition of how they can shape the world around them.
In conclusion, the personal benefits to raising animals and growing vegetables outweigh any perceived drawbacks concerning resources. Where possible, schools ought to enact these changes.
taking care of looking after
added combined
primary school curriculum what kids study in school
though despite
drawbacks disadvantages
feasibility possibility
positive overall good in general
involve deal with
struggles have to fight with
implement put into practice
practice change
inner city schools poor schools in cities
easy access to farms can get to farms conveniently
faced with combat
rising student numbers more and more students
a lack of resources not enough money, teachers, etc.
bus verb for to take the bus
nearby farmland farms not far away
on a regular basis day after day
unequivocally without question
poor allocation of limited resources not distributing money, etc. well
located found in
trouble enacting difficulty doing
ambitious policy big plan
connect with talk to
reluctant local farms not willing farmers
convince persuade
divert funding send money in a different direction
dubious 21st century value questionable importance nowadays
increasingly urban and less agrarian more and more cities, fewer farms
transferrable can be used in other ways
beneficial in themselves good on its own
entire lives whole life
much more inclined more likely to
later tend a private garden after that take care of a small, private garden
encourage productivity make more active
keep livestock raise animals
greater benefit larger advantage
cultivation growing
personal qualities characteristics
gain a greater sense of responsibility become more responsible
internalise know deeply, understand
real world effects actul impact
negligence not paying attention to
dedication paying attention to
later in life as they get older
regardless of their occupation no matter what job they do
increased self-reliance not need others
stronger recognition better ability to understand
shape have control over
personal benefits helps an individual
outweigh stronger than
perceived drawbacks concerning resources ostensible disadvantages related to money
where possible if it can be done
ought should
enact these changes make these reforms
ˈteɪkɪŋ keər ɒv
ˈpraɪməri skuːl kəˈrɪkjʊləm
ˈpɒzətɪv ˈəʊvərɔːl
ˈɪnə ˈsɪti skuːlz
ˈiːzi ˈæksɛs tuː fɑːmz
feɪst wɪð
ˈraɪzɪŋ ˈstjuːdənt ˈnʌmbəz
ə læk ɒv rɪˈsɔːsɪz
ˈnɪəbaɪ ˈfɑːmlænd
ɒn ə ˈrɛgjʊlə ˈbeɪsɪs
pʊər ˌæləʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n ɒv ˈlɪmɪtɪd rɪˈsɔːsɪz
ˈtrʌbl ɪˈnæktɪŋ
æmˈbɪʃəs ˈpɒlɪsi
kəˈnɛkt wɪð
rɪˈlʌktənt ˈləʊkəl fɑːmz
daɪˈvɜːt ˈfʌndɪŋ
ˈdjuːbiəs ˈtwɛnti fɜːst ˈsɛnʧʊri ˈvæljuː
ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈɜːbən ænd lɛs əˈgreərɪən
ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl ɪn ðəmˈsɛlvz
ɪnˈtaɪə lɪvz
mʌʧ mɔːr ɪnˈklaɪnd
ˈleɪtə tɛnd ə ˈpraɪvɪt ˈgɑːdn
ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti
kiːp ˈlaɪvstɒk
ˈgreɪtə ˈbɛnɪfɪt
ˈpɜːsnl ˈkwɒlɪtiz
geɪn ə ˈgreɪtə sɛns ɒv rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti
rɪəl wɜːld ɪˈfɛkts
ˈleɪtər ɪn laɪf
rɪˈgɑːdlɪs ɒv ðeər ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən
ɪnˈkriːst sɛlf-rɪˈlaɪəns
ˈstrɒŋgə ˌrɛkəgˈnɪʃən
ˈpɜːsnl ˈbɛnɪfɪts
pəˈsiːvd ˈdrɔːbæks kənˈsɜːnɪŋ rɪˈsɔːsɪz
weə ˈpɒsəbl
ɪˈnækt ðiːz ˈʧeɪnʤɪz
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
Some feel farming vegetables and t_________________f animals should be a________d to the p__________________________m. In my opinion, t_________h there are d_____________s related to its f______________y, it would be a p_______________l.
The disadvantages i__________e the s___________s to i____________t this p__________e. Firstly, i_________________s do not have e_____________________s. A school in New York City already f_______________h r__________________________s and a____________________s cannot be expected to b__s thousands of students to n_________________d o_____________________s. That would u__________________y be a p__________________________________s. Secondly, even schools l____________d in the countryside would have t__________________g such an a___________________y. They would need to c_________________h possibly r_______________________s, c____________e teachers, parents, and students of the benefits, and d________________g towards a program with d___________________________e as society becomes i_____________________________________n.
Nonetheless, the skills learned would be t_______________e and b__________________________s. Children learning to grow vegetables will be able to do that their e_______________s and m__________________d to l_____________________________n. This can save money, e_________________________y, and improve health. Taking care of animals will also help them if they choose to k___________________k or pets. The g_____________________t, however, will come from c_________________n of p_____________________s. Children will g_____________________________________y and i______________e the r__________________s of their n______________e or d________________n. L_________________e r_________________________________n and where they live, they will have i______________________e and a s________________________n of how they can s________e the world around them.
In conclusion, the p_____________________s to raising animals and growing vegetables o____________h any p____________________________________s. W___________________e, schools o________t to e__________________s.
Listening Practice
Watch the video below and use these activities to practice:
Reading Practice
Read more about this topic and practice with these ideas for reading the news:
Speaking Practice
Answer the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:
- Have you ever seen a wild animal?
- What is your favourite wild animal?
- How do you feel when you see animals at the zoo?
- What is the importance of animals to children?
Writing Practice
Write about the following related topic and check with my sample answer below:
In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.
Why is this the case?
What can be done about this problem?
Many today feel that young pupils are advised to raise food and keep livestock. In my opinion, while there might be some potential health issues, it is a positive overall as the students will learn to be responsible.
The main advantage of schoolchildren’s farming is that their responsibility is fostered. Anything that is grown on farms depends on the farmer, so to grow vegetables, the kids are required to care for the foods daily. The children, who have been given this opportunity, will grow to learn that having a quality, healthy, and delicious product needs daily care and attention. Accordingly, farming helps parents raise well-rounded children as the kids are expected to feed and groom the livestock whose life depends on such attentions. This might have a considerably positive effect not only on children’s school education but on their entire life.
However, school farming is not free from drawbacks. One main disadvantage is the health risks the children can face. To combat pests and grow fresh vegetables, different types of chemicals are commonly used. The young students who are exposed to pesticides are more likely to get sick. This is more irritating for those kids who suffer from asthma or other chronic diseases. Also, the research has found that touching and smelling animals can cause harm to individuals, including more sensitive young schoolchildren. However, the disadvantages above are very rare, and proper management and monitoring can eliminate the drawbacks.
In conclusion, school farming can teach young schoolchildren how to be responsible while they may face some health risks. School officials can provide the kids with small farms and help them feed the animals and follow medical protocols to avoid any potential harm.
Good effort again, Hooshmand!
The first sentence is a bit odd – you can’t say that people feel about a fact.
Better to say people feel kids should … (an opinion) or just state the fact – don’t confuse the two.
Otherwise really great – love the specific examples of health conditions in the 3rd paragraph!
thank you Dave and sorry for the trouble
No worries, Hooshmand!
There has been a contentious argument over whether or not to allow elementary-aged students to look after pets or to plant some greens. I believe that the benefits of this development significantly surpass its drawbacks.
There are numerous merits to teaching youngsters how to take care of animals or plants. The main upside is related to acquiring valuable skills. In other words, children learn from these experiences to be responsible and kind to other creatures, which positively impacts their behaviour and attitude. For example, a recent study has shown that primary school pupils who are encouraged to keep pets are more dependent and caring than their counterparts who didnot engage in such trials. Additionally, inducing youngsters to grow vegetables can keep them busy with utilitarian missions rather than spending a long time on watching TV or playing video games, which is detrimental to their vision.
However, this development has a considerable number of disadvantages. One of which is due to the fact that elementary school students are too young to be responsible for other lives, which means that they should not be permitted to care for animals on their own or even try vegetation. Furthermore, they do not have the sufficient intellectual capacity to cope with the death of their pets or plants. This translates to a considerable psychological influences they may face after their close animal die, for instance.
In conclusion, I believe that the upsides of encouraging children to keep pets and plant vegetables, in terms of nurturing positive skills, like kindness, care, and responsibility, in addition to spending their free time on something beneficial, certainly outweigh the downsides of being too young to bear the responsibility or blaming themselves for their pets’ death. Therefore, parents should trigger their offspring to embark on such experiences.
Great work!
Careful with your collocations but good structure!