This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer from the general training test about the topic of leisure time.
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IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer: Malls and Leisure Time
Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activities in many countries for young adults.
Why is this?
Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
Shopping has become more common as a result of the introduction of large shopping malls. I strongly believe this has brought considerable economic benefits to society at large.
Since the advent of the mall, companies have relentlessly sought new ways to attract consumers, resulting in today’s megamalls. In the past, shoppers would make dedicated trips to specific stores for products. In the 1980s in the United States, the novel combination of shopping plazas and department stores with entertainment venues like state-of-the-art cinemas and appetizing foods courts made them the centre of social activity for a generation. It is therefore no wonder that youths and adults alike the world over opt to spend their time and money shopping at malls that cater to all their needs.
While some might argue that shopping is largely a waste of time, I feel that its economic advantages outweigh other concerns. Masses of wealthy middle-class consumers contribute greatly to economic prosperity and that brings various benefits to all socioeconomic classes. A counter-point illustrating this would be in Japan in the last two decades where a long recession has decimated the middle-class, leading to decreased shopping, closures of malls and a stagnant economy. The government has desperately lowered interest rates in order to stimulate the type of spending that malls encourage. Malls, as one crucial part of a consumer society, serve to encourage spending and national prosperity.
In conclusion, an increasing number of people frequent malls for their convenience and this boosts the economy. If governments were to invest more money in tax cuts this would further encourage spending at malls and help developing nations and developed ones whose growth has plateaued.
1. Shopping has become more common as a result of the introduction of large shopping malls. 2. I strongly believe this has brought considerable economic benefits to society at large.
- Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
- Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.
1. Since the advent of the mall, companies have relentlessly sought new ways to attract consumers, resulting in today’s megamalls. 2. In the past, shoppers would make dedicated trips to specific stores for products. 3. In the 1980s in the United States, the novel combination of shopping plazas and department stores with entertainment venues like state-of-the-art cinemas and appetizing foods courts made them the centre of social activity for a generation. 4. It is therefore no wonder that youths and adults alike the world over opt to spend their time and money shopping at malls that cater to all their needs.
- Write a clear topic sentence answering the first question with your opinion at the end.
- Explaing your main idea.
- Start a specific example and develop it fully.
- State the results of your example.
1. While some might argue that shopping is largely a waste of time, I feel that its economic advantages outweigh other concerns. 2. Masses of wealthy middle-class consumers contribute greatly to economic prosperity and that brings various benefits to all socioeconomic classes. 3. A counter-point illustrating this would be in Japan in the last two decades where a long recession has decimated the middle-class, leading to decreased shopping, closures of malls and a stagnant economy. 4. The government has desperately lowered interest rates in order to stimulate the type of spending that malls encourage. 5. Malls, as one crucial part of a consumer society, serve to encourage spending and national prosperity.
- Write another topic sentence with a new main idea.
- Explaing your main idea.
- Give an example or counter-example.
- Develop the example.
- State the final results.
1. In conclusion, an increasing number of people frequent malls for their convenience and this boosts the economy. 2. If governments were to invest more money in tax cuts this would further encourage spending at malls and help developing nations and developed ones whose growth has plateaued.
- Repeat and summarise your main ideas.
- Add a final thought/detail. Read about conclusions here.
What do the words in bold below mean?
Shopping has become more common as a result of the introduction of large shopping malls. I strongly believe this has brought considerable economic benefits to society at large.
Since the advent of the mall, companies have relentlessly sought new ways to attract consumers, resulting in today’s megamalls. In the past, shoppers would make dedicated trips to specific stores for products. In the 1980s in the United States, the novel combination of shopping plazas and department stores with entertainment venues like state-of-the-art cinemas and appetizing foods courts made them the centre of social activity for a generation. It is therefore no wonder that youths and adults alike the world over opt to spend their time and money shopping at malls that cater to all their needs.
While some might argue that shopping is largely a waste of time, I feel that its economic advantages outweigh other concerns. Masses of wealthy middle-class consumers contribute greatly to economic prosperity and that brings various benefits to all socioeconomic classes. A counter-point illustrating this would be in Japan in the last two decades where a long recession has decimated the middle-class, leading to decreased shopping, closures of malls and a stagnant economy. The government has desperately lowered interest rates in order to stimulate the type of spending that malls encourage. Malls, as one crucial part of a consumer society, serve to encourage spending and national prosperity.
In conclusion, an increasing number of people frequent malls for their convenience and this boosts the economy. If governments were to invest more money in tax cuts this would further encourage spending at malls and help developing nations and developed ones whose growth has plateaued.
as a result the outcome is
introduction of since they started
considerable economic benefits good for the economy
society at large all of society, all citizens
advent beginning of
relentlessly sought looking hard for
attract consumers bring in shoppers
resulting in the result/effect is
megamalls really big malls/shopping centres
make dedicated trips going there just for
novel combination new mix
plazas publick places
department stores malls
entertainment venues cinemas, arcades, etc.
state-of-the-art cinemas new movie theatres
appetizing foods courts enticing restaurants in a mall
centre of social activity social hub
for a generation for all people born around the same time
no wonder little surprise
alike the same
the world over everywhere in the world
cater to all their needs can do whatever they want there
largely a waste of time mostly not a good use of time
economic advantages outweigh other concerns benefits to the economy more important than
masses large groups of people
wealthy middle-class consumers people with some money, not too rich or poor
economic prosperity good for the economy
socioeconomic classes rich and poor people
a counter-point illustrating this would be in an example of the opposite case is
long recession lengthy economic downturn
decimated hurt a lot
closures of malls malls closing down
stagnant economy economy not growing
desperately lowered interest rates hurriedly cut the rate for borrowing money
stimulate encourage
crucial part key element
consumer society people shopping
encourage spending stimulate buying
national prosperity a country making money, doing well
frequent go to a lot (verb)
boosts increases
tax cuts reducing the money you have to pay in taxes
growth has plateaued stable, not increasing or decreasing
æz ə rɪˈzʌlt
ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən ɒv
kənˈsɪdərəbl ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈbɛnɪfɪts
səˈsaɪəti æt lɑːʤ
rɪˈlɛntlɪsli sɔːt
əˈtrækt kənˈsjuːməz
rɪˈzʌltɪŋ ɪn
ˈmɛgə mɔːlz
meɪk ˈdɛdɪkeɪtɪd trɪps
ˈnɒvəl ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən
dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔːz
ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt ˈvɛnjuːz
steɪt-ɒv-ði-ɑːt ˈsɪnəməz
ˈæpɪtaɪzɪŋ fuːdz kɔːts
ˈsɛntər ɒv ˈsəʊʃəl ækˈtɪvɪti
fɔːr ə ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃən
nəʊ ˈwʌndə
ðə wɜːld ˈəʊvə
ˈkeɪtə tuː ɔːl ðeə niːdz
ˈlɑːʤli ə weɪst ɒv taɪm
ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ədˈvɑːntɪʤɪz aʊtˈweɪ ˈʌðə kənˈsɜːnz
ˈwɛlθi ˈmɪdl-klɑːs kənˈsjuːməz
ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk prɒsˈpɛrɪti
ˌsəʊsɪəʊˌɛkəˈnɒmɪk ˈklɑːsɪz
ə ˈkaʊntə-pɔɪnt ˈɪləstreɪtɪŋ ðɪs wʊd biː ɪn
lɒŋ rɪˈsɛʃən
ˈkləʊʒəz ɒv mɔːlz
ˈstægnənt i(ː)ˈkɒnəmi
ˈdɛspərɪtli ˈləʊəd ˈɪntrɪst reɪts
ˈkruːʃəl pɑːt
kənˈsjuːmə səˈsaɪəti
ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ ˈspɛndɪŋ
ˈnæʃənl prɒsˈpɛrɪti
tæks kʌts
grəʊθ hæz ˈplætəʊd
Vocabulary Practice
Remember and fill in the blanks:
Shopping has become more common a___________t of the i________________f large shopping malls. I strongly believe this has brought c______________________________s to s_________________e.
Since the a__________t of the mall, companies have r_______________________t new ways to a________________________s, r_____________n today’s m_______________s. In the past, shoppers would m______________________s to specific stores for products. In the 1980s in the United States, the n________________________n of shopping p_________s and d____________________s with e________________________s like s__________________________s and a___________________________s made them the c_________________________y f_____________________n. It is therefore n________________r that youths and adults a______e t__________________r opt to spend their time and money shopping at malls that c______________________s.
While some might argue that shopping is l_____________________e, I feel that its e______________________________________s. M_________s of w________________________________s contribute greatly to e__________________________y and that brings various benefits to all s_____________________________s. A__________________________________________n Japan in the last two decades where a l____________________n has d____________d the middle-class, leading to decreased shopping, c________________________s and a s__________________y. The government has d_____________________________s in order to s______________e the type of spending that malls encourage. Malls, as one c_______________t of a c______________________y, serve to e________________________g and n__________________________y.
In conclusion, an increasing number of people f______________t malls for their convenience and this b__________s the economy. If governments were to invest more money in t___________s this would further encourage spending at malls and help developing nations and developed ones whose g______________________d.
Listening Practice
Listen about this topic below with an example from The Philippines:
Reading Practice
Learn more about this from Psychology Today as well:
Speaking Practice
Practice with the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:
- Do people in your country shop at malls or street markets?
- Is online shopping common?
- Is it better to shop alone or with friends?
- Why is online shopping becoming more popular?
- Is shopping a waste of time?
Writing Practice
Write about the following topic then check with my sample answer:
Some people think that it is better to build more public parks and sports facilities in new towns rather than shopping malls.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays it has become a trend for young adults to go for leisure shopping every now and then.
I strongly believe it has bought a considerable imbalance in their finances.
Since the advent of malls these days many companies have established different businesses ranging from clothing, food, gaming, and departmental stores with cinema halls and many more. Most of the companies promote their products with massive promotions and numerous offers to their customers which lure them easily. With the offers like these, young adults get easily trapped in the campaigns and overspend at the end of the day which leaves them broken. For example, a recent survey conducted by the city council has identified that 80% of people of young adults like to spend their free time at shopping malls and departmental stores.
Some even like to go to the gaming bar or clubs.
There are many drawbacks to this, when young people tend to spend more at unnecessary things, they would certainly get skint at the end of the month. Firstly, due to poor financial planning, many young people end up speding way too much than required.
So, there is no wonder that the young adults tend to shop more than it is needed and spend their both time and money at malls.
Secondly, due to less money, they tend to borrow money from family and friends which puts them in a dire situation.
In conclusion, an increasing number of young adults spends most of their money by frequently doing the leisure shopping which in turn leaves them with no or very little money.It is always recommended to plan the budget accordingly to keep the finances upright.
Great job, Atish!
Your paragraphing is a little strange though – try to write in 4 paragraphs like in my essay.
Try to develop the drawbacks more instead of listing them.
Hello, in conclusion paragraph, I think, 1st sentence seems incorrect. Like- number of people frequent mall….
Good question Sandra but that one is actually correct, just a rare usage – you can use frequent as a verb like: More people now frequent museums (meaning go to).
Is that clear?
Oh. That’s a new type of sentence. Amazing!